首页> 外文期刊>Melanoma research >Melanin density and melanin type predict melanocytic naevi in 19-20 year olds of northern European ancestry.

Melanin density and melanin type predict melanocytic naevi in 19-20 year olds of northern European ancestry.


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Recent advances in estimating the density of cutaneous melanin by spectrophotometry and the concentration of the two types of melanin (eumelanin and phaeomelanin) in hair offer the potential to define the risk of skin cancer in individuals more accurately. The presence of common melanocytic naevi on the arm is associated with an increased risk of melanoma, and in this study the associations of arm naevi with melanin density at the upper inner arm and with melanin type in hair samples were examined in a representative sample (n = 267) of 19-20 year olds of northern European ancestry. Particularly in men, the association with naevus count was stronger for cutaneous melanin density than for follicular melanin type. Adjusted for recreational sun exposure, the rank correlation coefficients were r = -0.25, 0.12 and 0.01 for men, and r = -0.17, -0.12 and 0.14 for women, for cutaneous melanin, hair eumelanin and hair phaeomelanin, respectively. The associations with less objective markers of phenotype (hair colour, eye colour, nurse-assessed skin colour, and self-reported skin reaction to unaccustomed sun) were weaker. These findings provide important new information that human susceptibility to mutations of melanocytes can be estimated by objective biological measures. The next step is to determine whether these measures also predict the risk of melanoma.
机译:通过分光光度法估算皮肤中黑色素密度的最新进展以及头发中两种类型的黑色素(深黑色素和苯丙氨酸)的浓度提供了更准确地确定个体患皮肤癌风险的潜力。手臂上常见的黑素细胞痣会增加黑色素瘤的风险,在本研究中,在代表性样本中检查了手臂痣与上臂内侧黑色素密度以及头发样本中黑色素类型的关联(n = 267)来自19到20岁的北欧血统。特别是在男性中,皮肤黑色素密度与毛囊黑色素类型的关联与痣的计数有关。调整休闲阳光照射后,皮肤黑色素,头发深红素和毛发蝴蝶素的等级相关系数分别为男性r = -0.25、0.12和0.01,女性r = -0.17,-0.12和0.14。表型的客观标记(头发颜色,眼睛颜色,护士评估的皮肤颜色以及自我报告的皮肤对不习惯的阳光的反应)的关联性较弱。这些发现提供了重要的新信息,即可以通过客观的生物学措施估计人对黑素细胞突变的敏感性。下一步是确定这些措施是否也可以预测黑色素瘤的风险。



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