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PC-based Personal Simulator for off-highway mine tracks


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When you teach your teenagers to drive, you expect the car to get a few dents (hopefully nothing worse) as they learn. Likewise, teaching adults to operate heavy equipment can be hazardous to both the equipment and the trainees, especially in the initial 20-50 percent of training. Yet the students cannotlearn without seeing, hearing and getting the feel of the equipment. Training simulators have become available in recent years, which satisfy this need while avoiding the risks to personnel and machines and reducing the number of hours that equipment is removed from production, but the simulators are expensive. Simlog Inc. of Montreal has found a way to make simulator training more affordable, using a client's own PC and projector, with either off-the-shelf PC controls or replica controls with elements from real trucks connected through the USB port. The company has developed training systems for off-highway trucks and wheel loaders, and soon will release systems for mine trucks and electric rope shovels.
机译:当您教青少年驾驶时,您希望汽车在学习过程中会产生一些凹痕(希望不会更糟)。同样,教成人操作重型设备可能对设备和受训人员都有害,尤其是在最初的20%至50%的培训中。然而,学生们必须在没有看到,听到和感觉到设备的情况下才能学习。近年来,已经出现了训练模拟器,它可以满足这一需求,同时又避免了对人员和机器的风险,并减少了设备从生产中移出的小时数,但模拟器价格昂贵。蒙特利尔的Simlog Inc.找到了一种方法,可以使用客户自己的PC和投影仪,通过现成的PC控件或带有通过USB端口连接的真实卡车中的元素的副本控件,来使仿真培训的价格更加可承受。该公司已经开发了用于非公路卡车和轮式装载机的培训系统,并且不久将发布用于矿用卡车和电铲的系统。



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