首页> 外文期刊>Medycyna Weterynaryjna >Clinical cases of psittacine beak and feather disease virus in budgerigars in PolandOriginal Title (non-English) Kliniczne przypadki choroby dzioba i pior U papuzek falistych w Polsce [Polish]

Clinical cases of psittacine beak and feather disease virus in budgerigars in PolandOriginal Title (non-English) Kliniczne przypadki choroby dzioba i pior U papuzek falistych w Polsce [Polish]


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Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is the most common viral disease of captive and wild psittaciformes globally. To our knowledge, this is the first case of PBFD in budgerigars in Poland with complete histopathological and molecular diagnosis. In 2008-2009 three aviaries with 15-46 breeding pairs were investigated. It was observed that in 30.6-48.8% young chicks infected by PBFDV progressive feather malformation occurs, especially in remiges and rectrices. The developing feathers were shorter, with the calamus having a very characteristic "hour-glass" shape, with the rachis beyond this point being dried out and lifeless.All seventy-four birds were divided into three groups; one group containing adult birds, the second one young budgerigar (28-35 days old) without changes in their feathers, and the last one containing young birds with feather malformation. The presence of the PBFDV and ATV in the feathers were evaluated using PCR methods. In addition to this, malformed feathers were subjected to histopathological investigation.The results of PCR assay have shown that 90.9% of adult birds and 100% young chicks were positive to PBFDV whereas none of them was positive to APV. Histopathological changes included, among others, the occurrence of typical, basophilic nuclear and cytoplasmatic inclusions in the epithelium of feathers in 18 cases (75.0%).



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