首页> 外文期刊>Medycyna Weterynaryjna >Efficacy of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis eradication in large farm systems [Polish]

Efficacy of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis eradication in large farm systems [Polish]


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The aim of the study was to establish the most effective way of eradicating Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in a large dairy farm system. It examined one farm having a population of 486 cows housed in three byres and one heifer byre. The results of the study indicated that there were four times fewer positive ELISA test results between 1997-2002 compared to the period between 1992-1996. Consistently eliminating BLV positive animals from the herd as well as retaining the serologically negative calves on a milk-substitute feed proved to be very useful methods. All the animals on the farm were serologically examined in 2002 and gave negative results in ELISA (gp51) tests. After 10 years of regular serological testing and successively eliminating all positive-reacting animals, the farm attained BLV-free status. The study demonstrated that creating BLV-free herds out of those having a high rate of infection (above 30%) is a long and gradual process. BLV eradication from infected farms requires rapid elimination of positive animals and good cooperation between farmers and veterinary services.
机译:该研究的目的是建立在大型奶牛场系统中根除牛传染性白血病的最有效方法。它检查了一个农场,该农场有486头奶牛,分别饲养在三个牛舍和一个小母牛牛舍中。研究结果表明,1997-2002年间ELISA阳性检测结果比1992-1996年间少4倍。始终如一地从畜群中消除BLV阳性动物,并将血清学阴性的犊牛保留在代乳品上是非常有用的方法。 2002年对该农场中的所有动物进行了血清学检查,并在ELISA(gp51)测试中得出阴性结果。经过10年的定期血清学测试并相继淘汰了所有阳性反应的动物,该农场达到了无BLV的状态。该研究表明,从那些具有高感染率(超过30%)的人中创建无BLV的牛群是一个漫长而逐步的过程。要从受感染的农场中根除BLV,就必须迅速消灭阳性动物,以及农民和兽医服务之间的良好合作。



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