首页> 外文期刊>Medicine. >Pathophysiological and diagnostic implications of cardiac biomarkers and antidiuretic hormone release in distinguishing immersion pulmonary edema from decompression sickness

Pathophysiological and diagnostic implications of cardiac biomarkers and antidiuretic hormone release in distinguishing immersion pulmonary edema from decompression sickness


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Immersion pulmonary edema (IPE) is a misdiagnosed environmental illness caused by water immersion, cold, and exertion. IPE occurs typically during SCUBA diving, snorkeling, and swimming. IPE is sometimes associated with myocardial injury and/or loss of consciousness in water, which may be fatal. IPE is thought to involve hemodynamic and cardiovascular disturbances, but its pathophysiology remains largely unclear, which makes IPE prevention difficult. This observational study aimed to document IPE pathogenesis and improve diagnostic reliability, including distinguishing in some conditions IPE from decompression sickness (DCS), another diving-related disorder.Thirty-one patients (19 IPE, 12 DCS) treated at the Hyperbaric Medicine Department (Ste-Anne hospital, Toulon, France; July 2013-June 2014) were recruited into the study. Ten healthy divers were recruited as controls. We tested: (i) copeptin, a surrogate marker for antidiuretic hormone and a stress marker; (ii) ischemia-modified albumin, an ischemia/hypoxia marker; (iii) brain-natriuretic peptide (BNP), a marker of heart failure, and (iv) ultrasensitive-cardiac troponin-I (cTnI), a marker of myocardial ischemia.We found that copeptin and cardiac biomarkers were higher in IPE versus DCS and controls: (i) copeptin: 68% of IPE patients had a high level versus 25% of DCS patients (P<0.05) (meanstandard-deviation: IPE: 53 +/- 61pmol/L; DCS: 15 +/- 17; controls: 6 +/- 3; IPE versus DCS or controls: P<0.05); (ii) ischemia-modified albumin: 68% of IPE patients had a high level versus 16% of DCS patients (P<0.05) (IPE: 123 +/- 25 arbitrary-units; DCS: 84 +/- 25; controls: 94 +/- 7; IPE versus DCS or controls: P<0.05); (iii) BNP: 53% of IPE patients had a high level, DCS patients having normal values (P<0.05) (IPE: 383 +/- 394ng/L; DCS: 37 +/- 28; controls: 19 +/- 15; IPE versus DCS or controls: P<0.01); (iv) cTnI: 63% of IPE patients had a high level, DCS patients having normal values (P<0.05) (IPE: 0.66 +/- 1.50g/L; DCS: 0.0061 +/- 0.0040; controls: 0.0090 +/- 0.01; IPE versus DCS or controls: P<0.01). The combined BNP-cTnI levels provided most discrimination: all IPE patients, but none of the DCS patients, had elevated levels of either/both of these markers.We propose that antidiuretic hormone acts together with a myocardial ischemic process to promote IPE. Thus, monitoring of antidiuretic hormone and cardiac biomarkers can help to make a quick and reliable diagnosis of IPE.
机译:浸入性肺水肿(IPE)是一种因水浸,受凉和劳累而引起的误诊环境疾病。 IPE通常发生在潜水,浮潜和游泳期间。 IPE有时与心肌损伤和/或水中意识丧失有关,这可能是致命的。人们认为IPE涉及血液动力学和心血管疾病,但其病理生理学仍不清楚,这使得IPE预防变得困难。这项观察性研究旨在证明IPE的发病机理并提高诊断的可靠性,包括在某些情况下将IPE与另一种与潜水有关的减压病(DCS)进行区分。高压氧治疗的31例患者(19例IPE,12例DCS)这项研究招募了法国土伦的Ste-Anne医院(2013年7月至2014年6月)。招募了十名健康的潜水员作为对照。我们测试了:(i)copeptin,抗利尿激素的替代指标和压力指标; (ii)缺血修饰的白蛋白,一种缺血/缺氧标志物; (iii)心钠素(BNP)(心力衰竭的标志物)和(iv)超敏性心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)(心肌缺血的标志物)我们发现IPE的肽素和心脏生物标志物比DCS更高和对照:(i)肽素:68%的IPE患者水平高,而25%的DCS患者(P <0.05)(平均标准偏差:IPE:53 +/- 61 pmol/L; DCS:15 +/- 17 ;对照:6 +/- 3; IPE​​ vs DCS或对照:P <0.05); (ii)缺血修饰的白蛋白:68%的IPE患者具有高水平,而DCS患者为16%(P <0.05)(IPE:123 +/- 25任意单位; DCS:84 +/- 25;对照组: 94 +/- 7; IPE​​与DCS或对照:P <0.05); (iii)BNP:53%的IPE患者具有高水平,DCS患者具有正常值(P <0.05)(IPE:383 +/- 394ng / L; DCS:37 +/- 28;对照:19 +/- 15; IPE​​与DCS或对照:P <0.01); (iv)cTnI:63%的IPE患者具有高水平,DCS患者具有正常值(P <0.05)(IPE:0.66 +/- 1.50g / L; DCS:0.0061 +/- 0.0040;对照:0.0090 + / -0.01; IPE​​与DCS或对照:P <0.01)。联合的BNP-cTnI水平提供了最大的区分:所有IPE患者,但没有DCS患者,这些标志物的水平升高/升高。我们建议抗利尿激素与心肌缺血过程一起促进IPE。因此,监测抗利尿激素和心脏生物标志物可以帮助快速,可靠地诊断IPE。


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