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Injury of the dorsolateral prefronto-thalamic tract in a patient with depression following mild traumatic brain injury: A case report


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Background:Depression, a prevalent psychiatric disorder, is associated with abnormality in the prefrontal cortex, particularly the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In this study, we report on a patient with severe depression who showed injury of the dorsolateral prefronto-thalamic tract following mild traumatic brain injury, which was demonstrated by diffusion tensor tractography (DTT).Methods and results:A 63-year-old female patient suffered an in-car accident. The patient lost consciousness for approximately 10 minutes and experienced posttraumatic amnesia approximately 30 minutes from the time of the accident. Her Glasgow Coma Scale score was 15. No specific lesion was observed on the conventional brain magnetic resonance imaging. Since the onset of head trauma, she had shown continuous depression and on 32 month evaluation, she exhibited severe depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II: 42 [full score: 63 score] and Patient Health Questionnaire-9: 24 [full score: 27 score]).Results:On 32-month DTT, partical tearing of the dorsolateral prefronto-thalamic tract was observed in the right hemisphere and thinning in the left hemisphere.Conclusion:Injury of the dorsolateral prefronto-thalamic tract was demonstrated in a patient with depression following mild traumatic brain injury, using DTT. We believe that injury of the dorsolateral prefronto-thalamic tract might be a pathogenetic mechanism of depression in patients with brain injury.
机译:背景:抑郁症是一种常见的精神病,与前额叶皮层异常有关,尤其是左背外侧前额叶皮层异常。在这项研究中,我们报道了一位患有严重抑郁症的患者,该患者在轻度脑外伤后表现出背外侧前额-丘脑束损伤,方法是通过弥散张量束线描记法(DTT)进行证实。该患者发生车祸。自事故发生以来,患者意识丧失约10分钟,并经历了创伤后遗忘症。她的格拉斯哥昏迷量表评分为15。在常规脑磁共振成像中未观察到特定病变。自头部外伤以来,她表现出持续的抑郁感,并且在32个月的评估中,她表现出严重的抑郁感(贝克抑郁量表II:42 [满分:63分]和患者健康问卷9:24 [满分:27]结果:在DTT的32个月时,右半球观察到了背外侧前额丘脑的部分撕裂,左半球变薄。轻度脑外伤后使用DTT进行抑郁治疗。我们认为,脑外伤患者的背外侧前额-丘脑管损伤可能是抑郁症的发病机制。



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