首页> 外文期刊>Medicine, science, and the law >Pattern of homicide coroner's autopsies at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria: 1997-2006.

Pattern of homicide coroner's autopsies at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria: 1997-2006.


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There is relatively little information regarding the pattern of homicides in developing countries such as Nigeria. This study is aimed at determining the pattern and demographic factors associated with homicide cases seen in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. It is a descriptive autopsy study of homicide cases seen at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan over a 10-year period from January 1997 to December 2006. All the coroner's autopsies for the period, of homicides or suspected homicides, were reviewed with emphasis on the following: gender, age, occupation, circumstances surrounding event, likely motive, type of weapon used, site(s) of injury and mechanism of death. Homicides accounted for 153 (3.1%) of the 4928 coroner's cases at the UCH within the study period. One hundred and thirty-seven of the 152 cases were men, and the overall age range was 4-83 years. The mechanism of death was haemorrhagic shock in 91 cases (59.9%); severe raised intracranial pressure in 58 cases (38.2%); septicaemic shock in two cases (1.3%); and asphyxia in one case (0.7%). Gunshot injuries accounted for 64.5% of the fatalities, sharp objects 21.1% and blunt force 14.5%. Most were victims of armed robbery attacks. The head, abdomen, chest and lower limbs were single sites of injuries in descending order of frequency and most of the cases sustained multiple injuries involving two or more of these sites. Gunshot deaths were the commonest form of homicides in the period under review. Young males and victims of armed robbery attacks were most susceptible.
机译:关于诸如尼日利亚这样的发展中国家中的凶杀案的信息还很少。这项研究的目的是确定与尼日利亚教学医院中发生的凶杀案有关的模式和人口统计学因素。这是对1997年1月至2006年12月在伊巴丹大学医院(UCH)发生的凶杀案进行的描述性尸检研究。强调以下几点:性别,年龄,职业,周围事件的情况,可能的动机,使用的武器类型,伤害部位和死亡机理。在研究期间,在UCH的4928名死因裁判官案件中,凶杀案占153起(3.1%)。 152例中有137例是男性,总年龄为4-83岁。死亡机制为出血性休克91例(59.9%);颅内压严重升高58例(38.2%);败血性休克2例(1.3%);窒息1例(0.7%)。枪伤占死亡人数的64.5%,锋利物体占21.1%,钝力占14.5%。大多数是武装抢劫袭击的受害者。头部,腹部,胸部和下肢是单个受伤部位,并按频率从高到低的顺序排列,大多数情况下,多处受伤涉及其中两个或多个部位。在本报告所述期间,枪击死亡是最普遍的凶杀形式。年轻的男性和武装抢劫的受害者是最容易受到伤害的。



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