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Assessment of four neural network based classifiers to automatically detect red lesions in retinal images.


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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is an important cause of visual impairment in industrialised countries. Automatic detection of DR early markers can contribute to the diagnosis and screening of the disease. The aim of this study was to automatically detect one of such early signs: red lesions (RLs), like haemorrhages and microaneurysms. To achieve this goal, we extracted a set of colour and shape features from image regions and performed feature selection using logistic regression. Four neural network (NN) based classifiers were subsequently used to obtain the final segmentation of RLs: multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis function (RBF), support vector machine (SVM) and a combination of these three NNs using a majority voting (MV) schema. Our database was composed of 115 images. It was divided into a training set of 50 images (with RLs) and a test set of 65 images (40 with RLs and 25 without RLs). Attending to performance and complexity criteria, the best results were obtained for RBF. Using a lesion-based criterion, a mean sensitivity of 86.01% and a mean positive predictive value of 51.99% were obtained. With an image-based criterion, a mean sensitivity of 100%, mean specificity of 56.00% and mean accuracy of 83.08% were achieved.
机译:糖尿病性视网膜病(DR)是工业化国家视力损害的重要原因。 DR早期标记物的自动检测可有助于疾病的诊断和筛查。这项研究的目的是自动检测此类早期症状之一:红色病变(RLs),例如出血和微动脉瘤。为了实现此目标,我们从图像区域提取了一组颜色和形状特征,并使用逻辑回归进行了特征选择。随后使用四个基于神经网络(NN)的分类器来获得RL的最终分割:多层感知器(MLP),径向基函数(RBF),支持向量机(SVM)以及使用多数表决的这三个NN的组合( MV)模式。我们的数据库由115张图像组成。它分为50个图像的训练集(带有RL)和65个图像的测试集(带有RL的40个图像和不带有RL的25个图像)。根据性能和复杂性标准,RBF获得了最佳结果。使用基于病变的标准,获得的平均敏感性为86.01%,平均阳性预测值为51.99%。使用基于图像的标准,获得了100%的平均灵敏度,56.00%的平均特异性和83.08%的平均准确度。



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