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A threshold-based fall-detection algorithm using a bi-axial gyroscope sensor.


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A threshold-based algorithm, to distinguish between Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and falls is described. A gyroscope based fall-detection sensor array is used. Using simulated-falls performed by young volunteers under supervised conditions onto crash mats and ADL performed by elderly subjects, the ability to discriminate between falls and ADL was achieved using a bi-axial gyroscope sensor mounted on the trunk, measuring pitch and roll angular velocities, and a threshold-based algorithm. Data analysis was performed using Matlab to determine the angular accelerations, angular velocities and changes in trunk angle recorded, during eight different fall and ADL types. Three thresholds were identified so that a fall could be distinguished from an ADL: if the resultant angular velocity is greater than 3.1 rads/s (Fall Threshold 1), the resultant angular acceleration is greater than 0.05 rads/s(2) (Fall Threshold 2), and the resultant change in trunk-angle is greater than 0.59 rad (Fall Threshold 3), a fall is detected. Results show that falls can be distinguished from ADL with 100% accuracy, for a total data set of 480 movements.
机译:描述了一种基于阈值的算法,用于区分日常生活活动(ADL)和跌倒。使用基于陀螺仪的跌倒检测传感器阵列。使用年轻志愿者在有监督的条件下模拟的跌落到防撞垫上以及老年受试者执行的ADL,可以通过使用安装在行李箱上的双轴陀螺仪传感器,测量俯仰和横滚角速度来区分跌倒和ADL。以及基于阈值的算法。使用Matlab进行数据分析,以确定在八个不同的跌落和ADL类型期间记录的角加速度,角速度和躯干角度的变化。确定了三个阈值,以便可以将跌落与ADL区别开:如果合成角速度大于3.1 rads / s(下降阈值1),则合成角加速度大于0.05 rads / s(2)(下降阈值) 2),并且躯干角的最终变化大于0.59 rad(下降阈值3),则检测到下降。结果表明,对于总共480次移动的数据集,跌落可以100%的准确度与ADL区别开。



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