
Cross-Border Understanding


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The success of this event inspired the organizers in 2005 to attempt a second round, this time in Berlin, Dresden and Jena. This year "Science & Art in Europe" returned to Warsaw. The lion's share of the organization was undertaken by the Foundation for Polish Science, supported by two partners in Poland, the Polish Academy of Science and the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and three in Germany, the European Academy of Otzenhausen, the MPS and the Volkswagen Foundation. The main focus was on ecology, energy and climate, with public lectures delivered by Max Planck scientists Peter Berthold and Gunther Hasinger along with Stefan Rahmsdorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Polish colleagues working in these specialist fields. A symposium entitled "Trade-offs as a response to energetic bottlenecks" prompted an exchange of ideas between scientists frominstitutions including the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Science and the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries.
机译:这项活动的成功激发了组织者在2005年尝试第二轮比赛,这次是在柏林,德累斯顿和耶拿。今年,“欧洲科学与艺术”重返华沙。该组织的最大份额由波兰科学基金会承担,波兰的两个合作伙伴,波兰科学院和艺术与科学学院,以及德国的三个合作伙伴,欧洲奥岑豪森学院,MPS和大众基金会。 Max Planck的科学家Peter Berthold和Gunther Hasinger以及波茨坦气候影响研究所的Stefan Rahmsdorf和在这些专业领域工作的波兰同事共同发表了公开演讲,重点是生态,能源和气候。题为“权衡以应对高能瓶颈”的专题讨论会促使包括马克斯·普朗克鸟类研究所,波兰科学院哺乳动物研究所和莱布尼兹淡水生态与内陆渔业研究所在内的机构的科学家之间交换了意见。



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