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Iconography and Wax Models in Italian Early Smallpox Vaccination


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Luigi Sacco (1769-1863) was the main protagonist of early vaccination campaign in Italy. He found a native source of vaccine lymph: with that, he personally vaccinated more than 500,000 people and furnished all Italy and some Middle East countries too. Starting from the pictures of his books, Sacco proposed to create wax models of "real" and "spurious" smallpox pustules in human, cow, sheep and horse; just to permit, not only to doctors, but also to all other health operators, the identification of the right pustules from where to extract active lymph for vaccination. In the Museum of Pathological Anatomy of the Padua University Medical School, we have four anatomical waxes which corresponded exactly to the explicative pictures in 1809 Sacco's treatise on Vaccine. We have found the same models also at the University of Milan, Pavia and Bologna-the main cities of "Cisalpine Republic", the state of North Italy formed at the epoch of Sacco following the Napoleon conquest. The history of the diffusion of these models presented in this text will be a starting point to develop wider questions. In particular, this history could be useful to improve our understanding of the birth of scientific and experimental medicine through XIX and XX Century.
机译:Luigi Sacco(1769-1863)是意大利早期疫苗接种运动的主要参与者。他找到了淋巴疫苗的本地来源:他亲自为超过50万人接种了疫苗,并为整个意大利和一些中东国家提供了疫苗。从书中的图片开始,萨科提议在人,牛,羊和马中创建“真实”和“虚假”天花脓疱的蜡模型;不仅允许医生,而且还允许所有其他卫生人员识别从中提取有效淋巴进行接种的正确脓疱。在帕多瓦大学医学院的病理解剖学博物馆中,我们有四种解剖蜡,它们与1809年萨科疫苗论着中的解释图片完全对应。我们还在米兰大学,帕维亚大学和博洛尼亚大学(“ Cisalpine Republic”的主要城市,也就是拿破仑征服后萨科时代形成的意大利北部)发现了相同的型号。本文介绍的这些模型的传播历史将是提出更广泛问题的起点。特别是,这段历史可能有助于增进我们对十九世纪和二十世纪科学和实验医学诞生的理解。



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