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A novel approach to mammographic breast compression: Improved standardization and reduced discomfort by controlling pressure instead of force


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Purpose: In x-ray mammography, flattening of the breast improves image quality and reduces absorbed dose. Current mammographic compression guidelines are based on applying a standardized force to each breast. Because breast size is not taken into consideration, this approach leads to large variations in applied pressure (force applied per unit contact area). It is the authors' hypothesis that a pressure-controlled compression protocol, which takes contact area into account, (1) improves standardization across the population in terms of physiological conditions in the compressed breast (blood pressure), and (2) reduces discomfort and pain, particularly the number of severe pain complaints, (3) with limited effects on image quality and absorbed glandular dose (AGD). Methods: A prospective observational study including 291 craniocaudal (CC) and 299 mediolateral oblique (MLO) breast compressions in 196 women following the authors' hospital's standard compression protocol with 18 decanewton (daN) target force was performed. Breast thickness, applied force, area of contact between breast and compression paddle, and mean pressure were recorded during the entire compression. Pain scores before and after breast compressions were obtained using an 11-point numerical rating scale (NRS). Scores of 7 and higher were considered to indicate severe pain. The authors analyzed differences between the CC and MLO compressions, correlation coefficients (ρ) between compression parameters, and odds-ratios (OR) for all parameters as possible predictors for experiencing severe pain using multivariate logistic regression. The observed data were used in two models to estimate what breast thickness, required force, and pain score would be for pressure-controlled compression protocols with target pressures ranging from 4 to 28 kilopascal (kPa). For a selection of 79 mammograms having a 10% or more thickness difference with respect to the prior mammogram, the authors performed a retrospective observer study to assess whether such thickness differences have significant effects on image quality or AGD. Results: In a standard 18 daN force-controlled compression protocol, the authors observed an average pressure of 21.3 kPa ± 54% standard deviation for CC compressions and 14.2 kPa ± 32% for MLO compressions. Women with smaller breasts endured higher pressures and experienced more pain, as indicated by a significant negative correlation (ρ = -0.19, p 0.01) between contact area and pain score. Multivariate regression showed that contact area is a strong and significant predictor for severe pain (ORNRS≥7 CC =0.10/dm2, p 0.05), as is the case with any pain already present before compression (ORNRS≥7 CC =1.61 per NRS-point, p 0.05). Model estimations showed that mammographic breast compression with a standardized pressure of 10 kPa, corresponding with normal arterial blood pressure, may significantly reduce the number of severe pain complaints with an average increase in breast thickness of 9% for small breasts and 2% for large breasts. For an average 16.5% thickness difference in prior-current mammogram pairs, the authors found no differences in image quality and AGD Conclusions: Model estimations and an observer study showed that pressure-controlled mammographic compression protocols may improve standardization and reduce discomfort with limited effects on image quality and AGD.
机译:目的:在X射线乳腺摄影中,乳房变平可改善图像质量并减少吸收剂量。当前的乳房X线摄影压迫准则是基于对每个乳房施加标准化的力。由于不考虑乳房的大小,因此这种方法会导致施加压力(单位接触面积所施加的力)变化很大。作者的假设是,压力控制的压缩协议考虑了接触面积,(1)就压缩乳房的生理状况(血压)而言,提高了整个人群的标准化程度,并且(2)减少了不适感,并且疼痛,特别是严重疼痛的投诉数量,(3)对图像质量和腺体吸收剂量(AGD)的影响有限。方法:进行了一项前瞻性观察性研究,根据作者医院的标准加压方案(目标力为18十牛顿(daN)),对196名女性进行了291例颅尾钉(CC)和299例中外侧斜肌(MLO)乳房按压。在整个压缩过程中,记录乳房的厚度,施加的力,乳房与按压板之间的接触面积以及平均压力。使用11点数字评分量表(NRS)获得乳房受压之前和之后的疼痛评分。 7分或更高的分数表示严重疼痛。作者分析了CC和MLO压缩之间的差异,压缩参数之间的相关系数(ρ),以及所有参数的比值比(OR),它们是使用多因素Logistic回归分析可能引起严重疼痛的预测指标。在两个模型中使用观察到的数据来估计目标压力范围为4至28千帕斯卡(kPa)的压力控制压缩方案的乳房厚度,所需力和疼痛评分。为了选择相对于先前的乳房X射线照片具有10%或更大厚度差异的79幅乳房X射线照片,作者进行了一项回顾性观察者研究,以评估这种厚度差异是否对图像质量或AGD有重大影响。结果:在标准的18 daN力控制压缩协议中,作者观察到CC压缩的平均压力为21.3 kPa±54%标准偏差,而MLO压缩的平均压力为14.2 kPa±32%。接触面积与疼痛评分之间呈显着负相关(ρ= -0.19,p <0.01),表明乳房较小的女性承受的压力较高,并且会经历更多的疼痛。多元回归分析表明,接触面积是严重疼痛的重要预测指标(ORNRS≥7CC = 0.10 / dm2,p <0.05),压迫前已经存在的疼痛也是如此(ORNRS≥7CC = 1.61 / NRS)点,p <0.05)。模型估计显示,乳腺钼靶X线乳房压迫(标准动脉压为10 kPa)与正常动脉血压相对应,可显着减少严重疼痛的症状,小乳腺平均增厚9%,大乳腺平均增厚2% 。对于先前的乳房X光检查对中的平均厚度差异为16.5%,作者发现图像质量和AGD没有差异。结论:模型估计和一项观察者研究表明,压力控制的乳房X射线照相压缩协议可能会改善标准化程度并减少不适感,但对图像质量和AGD。



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