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Verification of the agreement of two dosimetric methods with radioiodine therapy in hyperthyroid patients.


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The aim of this study was to verify the capability of an MIRD formula-based dosimetric method to predict radioiodine kinetics (fraction of administered iodine transferred to the thyroid, U0, and effective clearance rate, lambda(eff)) and absorbed dose after oral therapeutic 131I administration. The method is based on 123I intravenous administration and five subsequent gamma camera measured uptake values determined separately on different structures within the thyroid. Another dosimetric method based on only the 123I 24-h uptake and a fixed lambda(eff) value was also considered. Eighty-nine hyperthyroid patients (10 with Graves' disease and 79 with autonomously functioning nodules) were studied and 132 thyroidal structures were evaluated. The mean time interval between dosimetry and therapy was 20 +/- 10d. Uptake values were measured at 2, 4, 24, 48, and 120 h during dosimetry and at 2, 4, 24, 48, 96, and 168 h during therapy. The value 0.125d(-1) was chosen in the fixed-lambda(eff) method. The planned doses to the target ranged from 120 to 250 Gy depending on the type and severity of hyperthyroidism. The following significant correlations between therapeutic and dosimetric parameters were found: U0(ther)=0.88U0(dos) (r=0.97,p<0.01), lambda(eff)ther = 1.01 lambda(eff)dos (r=0.85,p<0.01), and D(estimated)= 0.85D(planned) (r=0.88, p<0.01). The percent difference between U0(ther) and U0(dos) ranged from -44 to 32% and between lambda(eff)ther and lambda(eff)dos from -32 to 48%. U0(ther) was lower than U0(dos) in 74% of cases: this can be explained by the self-stunning effect of 131I therapeutic activity that produced a dose of about 20 Gy with a maximum dose rate of 0.6 Gy/h over the initial 24-48 h. The differences, deltaD, between the estimated and the planned doses ranged from -42% (-87 Gy) to 32% (59 Gy); in 73% of cases the difference was within +/- 35 Gy. Greater discrepancies were found with the fixed-lambda(eff) method, in which deltaD ranged from -69 to 95% (-202 to 88 Gy, respectively). In hyperthyroid patients, the five uptake value dosimetric method is able to predict with a good agreement the radioiodine kinetics and the dose after the therapeutic administration in about 73% of the analyzed thyroid structures. The fixed-lambda(eff) method is less reliable.
机译:这项研究的目的是验证基于MIRD公式的剂量学方法预测口服治疗后放射性碘动力学(转移到甲状腺的碘的分配分数U0和有效清除率lambda(eff))和吸收剂量的能力131I管理。该方法基于123I静脉内给药和五个随后的伽马相机测量的摄取值,分别在甲状腺内的不同结构上确定。还考虑了另一种仅基于123I 24小时摄取和固定的lambda(eff)值的剂量学方法。研究了89例甲状腺功能亢进患者(其中10例患有Graves病,79例具有自主性结节),并评估了132例甲状腺结构。剂量测定法与治疗之间的平均时间间隔为20 +/- 10 d。在剂量测定期间在2、4、24、48和120小时以及在治疗期间在2、4、24、48、96和168小时测量摄取值。在固定λ(eff)方法中选择了值0.125d(-1)。根据甲状腺功能亢进的类型和严重程度,对目标的计划剂量为120至250 Gy。发现治疗和剂量参数之间存在以下显着相关性:U0(ther)= 0.88U0(dos)(r = 0.97,p <0.01),lambda(eff)ther = 1.01 lambda(eff)dos(r = 0.85,p <0.01),且D(估计值)= 0.85D(计划值)(r = 0.88,p <0.01)。 U0(ther)和U0(dos)之间的百分比差异为-44%至32%,lambda(eff)ther和lambda(eff)dos之间的百分比差异为-32至48%。在74%的情况下,U0(ther)低于U0(dos):这可以通过131I治疗活性的自我抑制作用来解释,该活性产生约20 Gy的剂量,最大剂量率为0.6 Gy / h最初的24-48小时。估计剂量与计划剂量之间的差异deltaD在-42%(-87 Gy)至32%(59 Gy)之间;在73%的病例中,差异在+/- 35 Gy之内。使用固定Lambda(eff)方法发现的差异更大,其中deltaD范围为-69%至95%(分别为-202至88 Gy)。在甲状腺功能亢进患者中,五摄取值剂量法能够很好地预测治疗后73%的甲状腺结构中放射碘动力学和剂量。固定lambda(eff)方法不太可靠。



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