首页> 外文期刊>Medical and Veterinary Entomology >Trap placement and attractant choice affect capture and create sex and parity biases in collections of the biting midge, Culicoides sonorensis

Trap placement and attractant choice affect capture and create sex and parity biases in collections of the biting midge, Culicoides sonorensis

机译:陷阱的放置和引诱剂的选择会影响捕获,并在咬人的蚊(Culicoides sonorensis)的集合中造成性别和均等的偏见

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Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is the primary North American vector of bluetongue virus (BTV), which can cause high morbidity and mortality in ruminant livestock or wildlife. Worldwide, most Culicoides surveillance relies on light (usually UV) traps typically placed near animals or larval development sites. However, the trapping method can cause sex, species and parity biases in collections. We collected C. sonorensis from three dairies in California using suction traps baited with CO2, UV light or CO2 + UV placed near animals, wastewater ponds, or in fields. Higher numbers of parous females were collected using CO2 + UV traps, although this difference was only significant on one dairy. UV traps were poor at collecting nulliparous females, but the addition of UV to a trap increased the abundance of males in a collection. Traps set in open fields collected significantly higher numbers of males and females than in either of the other two locations. In some cases, there was a significant interaction between the trap type and site. We discuss the limitations of traditional trapping methodologies for C. sonorensis and make suggestions for vector surveillance.
机译:Culicoides sonorensis Wirth&Jones(Diptera:Ceratopogonidae)是北美蓝舌病病毒(BTV)的主要载体,可导致反刍动物或野生动植物的高发病率和高死亡率。在世界范围内,大多数库蚊监测都依赖于通常位于动物或幼虫发育场所附近的光(通常是紫外线)陷阱。但是,诱捕方法可能导致集合中的性别,物种和均等偏见。我们使用放置在动物,废水池或田野附近的CO2,UV灯或CO2 + UV诱饵收集的吸管,从加利福尼亚的三个奶牛场收集了C. sonorensis。使用CO2 +紫外线捕集器收集了更多数量的雌性,尽管这种差异仅在一个乳制品上才有意义。紫外线诱捕器在收集未产卵雌性时效果较差,但是向诱捕器中添加紫外线会增加收集中雄性的数量。在空旷地区设置的陷阱收集的雄性和雌性数量明显多于其他两个位置。在某些情况下,陷阱类型和位点之间存在显着的相互作用。我们讨论了C. sonorensis的传统诱捕方法的局限性,并提出了媒介监测的建议。



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