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A statistically defined anthropomorphic software breast phantom


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Purpose: Digital anthropomorphic breast phantoms have emerged in the past decade because of recent advances in 3D breast x-ray imaging techniques. Computer phantoms in the literature have incorporated power-law noise to represent glandular tissue and branching structures to represent linear components such as ducts. When power-law noise is added to those phantoms in one piece, the simulated fibroglandular tissue is distributed randomly throughout the breast, resulting in dense tissue placement that may not be observed in a real breast. The authors describe a method for enhancing an existing digital anthropomorphic breast phantom by adding binarized power-law noise to a limited area of the breast. Methods: Phantoms with (0.5 mm) 3 voxel size were generated using software developed by Bakic Between 0 and 40 of adipose compartments in each phantom were replaced with binarized power-law noise (β 3.0) ranging from 0.1 to 0.6 volumetric glandular fraction. The phantoms were compressed to 7.5 cm thickness, then blurred using a 3 × 3 boxcar kernel and up-sampled to (0.1 mm) 3 voxel size using trilinear interpolation. Following interpolation, the phantoms were adjusted for volumetric glandular fraction using global thresholding. Monoenergetic phantom projections were created, including quantum noise and simulated detector blur. Texture was quantified in the simulated projections using power-spectrum analysis to estimate the power-law exponent β from 25.6 × 25.6 mm 2 regions of interest. Results: Phantoms were generated with total volumetric glandular fraction ranging from 3 to 24. Values for β (averaged per projection view) were found to be between 2.67 and 3.73. Thus, the range of textures of the simulated breasts covers the textures observed in clinical images. Conclusions: Using these new techniques, digital anthropomorphic breast phantoms can be generated with a variety of glandular fractions and patterns. β values for this new phantom are comparable with published values for breast tissue in x-ray projection modalities. The combination of conspicuous linear structures and binarized power-law noise added to a limited area of the phantom qualitatively improves its realism.
机译:目的:由于3D乳腺X射线成像技术的最新发展,过去十年中出现了数字化拟人乳腺幻象。文献中的计算机模型结合了幂律噪声来表示腺体组织和分支结构来表示线性组件(例如导管)。当将幂律噪声整体地添加到这些幻像中时,模拟的纤维腺组织随机分布在整个乳房中,导致在实际乳房中可能无法观察到的致密组织位置。作者描述了一种通过向乳房的有限区域添加二值化幂律噪声来增强现有数字拟人化乳房幻象的方法。方法:使用Bakic开发的软件生成体素大小为(0.5 mm)3的幻像。每个体模中的0至40个脂肪腔被替换为体积分数为0.1至0.6的腺体化的二值化幂律噪声(β3.0)。将体模压缩到7.5 cm的厚度,然后使用3×3 Boxcar内核进行模糊处理,并使用三线性插值将其上采样到(0.1 mm)3体素大小。插值后,使用全局阈值调整体模的腺体体积分数。创建了单能幻影投影,包括量子噪声和模拟探测器模糊。使用功率谱分析在模拟投影中对纹理进行量化,以从25.6×25.6 mm 2的感兴趣区域估计幂律指数β。结果:产生的幻影的总腺体体积分数在3到24之间。β值(每个投影视图的平均值)在2.67到3.73之间。因此,模拟乳房的纹理范围覆盖了在临床图像中观察到的纹理。结论:使用这些新技术,可以生成具有多种腺部分和样式的数字拟人化乳房幻像。这种新体模的β值与X射线投影模态中已公布的乳腺组织值相当。明显的线性结构和二进制化的幂律噪声加到幻像的有限区域上,从质上提高了它的真实感。



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