首页> 外文期刊>Medical and Veterinary Entomology >Co-occurrence of East and West African kdr mutations suggests high levels of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Anopheles gambiae from Libreville, Gabon

Co-occurrence of East and West African kdr mutations suggests high levels of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Anopheles gambiae from Libreville, Gabon


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Point mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene involved in knockdown resistance to DDT and pyrethroid insecticides have been described in several insect species. In the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) two mutations have been identified. The first, consisting of a leucine-phenylalanine substitution at amino acid position 1014, is widespread in West Africa. The second, a leucine-serine substitution at the same position, has to date only been detected in western Kenya. Analysis of the kdr polymorphism in a sample of 106 An. gambiae s.s. of the rDNA S-form/Type I collected in Libreville (Gabon) surprisingly revealed the presence of both East and West African kdr mutations with frequencies of 63% and 37%, respectively. No wild-type alleles were detected and there was an excess of heterozygous genotypes (P = 0.04). In addition, an inconsistency was found during the kdr genotyping procedures by polymerase chain reaction, which could have lead to an underestimation of resistance alleles. The implications of these findings are discussed.
机译:在几种昆虫中已经描述了与DDT和拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂抗性相关的电压门控钠通道基因中的点突变。在疟疾媒介冈比亚按蚊(Gilles sensu stricto)(双翅目:Culicidae)中,已鉴定出两个突变。第一种在西非广泛存在,由氨基酸位置1014的亮氨酸-苯丙氨酸取代组成。第二个是在同一位置的亮氨酸-丝氨酸取代,迄今为止仅在肯尼亚西部发现。 106 An样本中kdr多态性的分析。冈比亚公司在利伯维尔(加蓬)收集到的rDNA S型/ I型令人惊讶地发现,存在东非和西非kdr突变,频率分别为63%和37%。未检测到野生型等位基因,并且杂合基因型过多(P = 0.04)。另外,在通过聚合酶链反应进行的kdr基因分型过程中发现不一致,这可能导致低估了抗性等位基因。讨论了这些发现的含义。



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