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Capsaicin-based analgesic balm decreases pressor responses evoked by muscle afferents.


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Capsaicin-based analgesic balm decreases pressor responses evoked by muscle afferents. Physically active individuals use countless analgesic balm (AB) products with various active ingredients daily. Despite this, few studies have investigated the mechanism of action and efficacy of AB. PURPOSE: We examined the effects of capsaicin (CAP) application on pressor responses evoked by muscle contraction (MC), which are mediated by group III and IV muscle afferents. METHODS: Heart rate (HR), blood pressure, and end-tidal CO2 were monitored in cats (N = 12) decerebrated under halothane. Decerebration eliminated anesthesia use and effects from the higher brain. Electrical stimulation of L7 and S1 ventral roots evoked static hindlimb MC (30 s). After control runs, a commercial CAP (4.95% Oleoresin Capsicum) AB was applied to the skin over the contracting muscles of one hindlimb. MC were evoked every 10 min, alternating between hindlimbs. Data were analyzed with RM ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test. RESULTS: Changes in peak mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by static ipsilateral MC were significantly attenuated at 20 min and tended to approach baseline levels at 40 min after CAP application. The mean (+/- SEM) of the peak MAP for the ipsilateral side just before application (T = 0), at 20 min (T+20), and 40 min (T+40) were 28.3 mm Hg +/- 6.4, 13.8 mm Hg +/-2.9, and 22.6 mm Hg +/- 5.2, respectively. There were no significant changes in HR. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular effects due to activation of group III and IV afferent fibers were significantly attenuated by the application of CAP. The time course of the effects appeared to support the need for repeated CAP application for pain relief. Central nervous system circuitry responsible for this effect awaits elucidation.
机译:基于辣椒素的止痛膏可减少肌肉传入者引起的升压反应。从事体育锻炼的人每天使用无数止痛膏(AB)产品和各种有效成分。尽管如此,很少有研究调查AB的作用机理和功效。目的:我们研究了辣椒素(CAP)对肌肉收缩(MC)引起的升压反应的影响,肌肉收缩是由III和IV组肌肉传入介导的。方法:在氟烷中去脑的猫(N = 12)中监测心率(HR),血压和潮气末二氧化碳。去脑功能消除了麻醉药的使用以及上级大脑的麻醉作用。 L7和S1腹侧根的电刺激诱发静态后肢MC(30 s)。对照运行后,将商业CAP(4.95%Oleoresin Capsicum)AB涂在一只后肢收缩肌肉上的皮肤上。每10分钟唤起一次MC,在后肢之间交替。数据用RM方差分析和Tukey事后检验进行分析。结果:静侧同侧MC诱发的峰值平均动脉压(MAP)的变化在CAP应用后20分钟时显着减弱,并趋于在基线时40 min达到基线水平。在使用前(T = 0),20分钟(T + 20)和40分钟(T + 40)时,同侧的MAP峰值的平均值(+/- SEM)为28.3 mm Hg +/- 6.4 ,分别为13.8毫米汞柱+/- 2.9和22.6毫米汞柱+/- 5.2。人力资源没有显着变化。结论:CAP的应用显着减弱了III和IV组传入纤维的激活对心血管的影响。效果的时间进程似乎表明需要重复使用CAP缓解疼痛。负责这种作用的中枢神经系统电路正在等待阐明。



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