首页> 外文期刊>International Aluminium Journal >A hundred years of VAW aluminium technology, part I

A hundred years of VAW aluminium technology, part I


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Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG (VAW) was founded by theGerman Reich on 21 April 1917 in Berlinwith the aim of producing aluminium forthe arms industry. In doing so, an effortwas made to obtain the most importantraw materials, such as alumina, from domesticsources. There were no mineablebauxite deposits in Germany so one hadto resort to using alternative materialslike clay. VAW had to develop new technologiesto process these substitute rawmaterials and for this purpose set up a researchcentre at its Lautawerk plant thatconducted development work on processesto produce alumina and its electrolysis.On 1 January 1964, VAW establishedits Leichtmetall-Forschungsinstitut (LFI,Light Metal Research Institute) in Bonnto centralize its research activities.This article describes the processes developedby VAW that became establishedin the aluminium industry, achievedinternational importance and are still inuse today. Part I, which is published here,deals with alumina technology. Part II,which will appear in the May issue, dealswith process developments in smelting,casting and materials and in aluminiumprocessing.
机译:1917 年 4 月 21 日,德意志帝国在柏林成立了 Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG (VAW),旨在为军火工业生产铝。在此过程中,努力从国内来源获得最重要的原材料,例如氧化铝。德国没有可开采的铝土矿矿床,因此不得不求助于使用粘土等替代材料。VAW必须开发新技术来加工这些替代原材料,为此,在其Lautawerk工厂设立了一个研究中心,该中心开展了氧化铝生产及其电解工艺的开发工作。1964 年 1 月 1 日,VAW 在博恩托成立了 Leichtmetall-Forschungsinstitut (LFI,轻金属研究所),集中开展研究活动。本文介绍了 VAW 开发的工艺,这些工艺在铝工业中得以确立,具有国际重要性,至今仍在使用。第一部分在这里发表,涉及氧化铝技术。第二部分将刊登在5月刊上,涉及冶炼、铸造和材料以及铝加工的工艺发展。



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