首页> 外文期刊>Medical decision making: An international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making >Women's Preferences for Doctor's Involvement in Decisions about Mammography Screening.

Women's Preferences for Doctor's Involvement in Decisions about Mammography Screening.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess women's preferences for doctor's involvement in mammography screening decisions. METHODS: Mail survey of 50- to 69-year-old women residing in Geneva, Switzerland (N = 2216). RESULTS: Women considered that the decision to undergo mammography screening should be made by the doctor alone (5.6%), doctor primarily (42.6%), shared equally between woman and doctor (45.0%), woman primarily (4.2%), and woman alone (2.4%). These subgroups differed considerably. Compared to women in the shared equally group, doctor alone respondents were more likely to be older, to be born outside Switzerland, and to wish to know as late as possible about having cancer. In contrast, woman alone respondents were more likely to report no previous mammogram, to expect bad news from mammograms, and to feel nervous about screening. CONCLUSIONS: Most women wished to see their doctor involved in the decision to undergo a screening mammogram. Nevertheless, notable minorities held other opinions.
机译:目的:评估妇女对医生参与乳腺X线摄影筛查决策的偏爱。方法:对居住在瑞士日内瓦的50至69岁妇女进行邮件调查(N = 2216)。结果:女性认为,应单独由医生(5.6%),主要是医生(42.6%),女性和医生(45.0%),主要是女性(4.2%)和女性共同承担乳房X光检查的决定单独(2.4%)。这些亚组差异很大。与均等组中的女性相比,仅医生的受访者更有可能年龄更大,出生在瑞士以外的地方,并且希望尽可能早地知道自己患有癌症。相比之下,只有女性的受访者更有可能没有以前的乳房X线照片报告,期望从乳房X线照片中看到坏消息,并对筛查感到紧张。结论:大多数妇女希望看她们的医生参与乳房X线筛查的决定。不过,少数族裔持有其他意见。



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