首页> 外文期刊>Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention: A publication of the American Association for Cancer Research >Validity of short food frequency questionnaires used in cancer chemoprevention trials: results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial.

Validity of short food frequency questionnaires used in cancer chemoprevention trials: results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial.


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Here, we describe the measurement characteristics of a 13-item dietary screener used in the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. We used data from 10,913 men who completed the 13-item dietary screener, a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and questionnaires on demographic and health-related characteristics and from 146 men who also completed multiple 24-h dietary recalls in a substudy. The analyses in this report focused on percentage energy from fat and saturated fat and used the mean estimates from the dietary recalls as the criterion measures. Absolute nutrient estimates from the screener were about one-third of the estimates from the recalls and the FFQ. Validity was defined as the Pearson correlation of the criterion measures of fat with the corresponding measures from the FFQ and the screener. The FFQ was a statistically significantly more precise measure of percentage energy from fat (r = 0.71) and saturated fat (r = 0.72) than was the screener (r = 0.50 and 0.53, respectively). There were also statistically significant differences in how well these instruments could detect variation in dietary fat across various participant characteristics, suggesting that the screener may not perform as well as the FFQ across demographic strata such as education (P < 0.001). The results from this study suggest that the use of short dietary screeners as the sole assessment instrument may result in a serious loss of information regarding important exposures (e.g., fat intake) and lost opportunities to enhance our knowledge regarding dietary factors and cancer risk.
机译:在这里,我们描述了在前列腺癌预防试验中使用的13个项目的饮食筛查仪的测量特性。我们使用了10,913名完成13项饮食筛查的男性,食物频率问卷(FFQ)以及有关人口统计学和健康相关特征的问卷的数据,以及146名在子研究中还完成了24小时多次膳食召回的男性的数据。本报告中的分析着重于脂肪和饱和脂肪的能量百分比,并使用饮食回收的平均估计值作为标准量度。筛选人员的绝对营养估计值约为召回和FFQ估计值的三分之一。有效性定义为脂肪标准量与FFQ和筛选器的相应量之间的皮尔逊相关性。与筛选器(分别为r = 0.50和0.53)相比,FFQ是统计学上更为精确的脂肪(r = 0.71)和饱和脂肪(r = 0.72)能量百分比的测量方法。这些仪器在各种参与者特征之间检测饮食脂肪变化的方式上也有统计学上的显着差异,这表明筛选器的表现可能不如跨人口阶层(如教育)的FFQ好(P <0.001)。这项研究的结果表明,使用简短的饮食筛查工具作为唯一的评估工具可能会导致有关重要暴露(例如脂肪摄入)的信息严重丢失,并失去增进我们对饮食因素和癌症风险的认识的机会。



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