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Refractory hypertension in young-beware of substance abusers!


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A 34-year-old man became first symptomatic with features of anxiety neurosis about 10 years back (2001). Six months later he was noted to have elevated blood pressure (BP) 160-220/ 90-130mmHg). At the same time he also noted episodic headaches, palpitations, and giddiness. He was started on antihyper-tensives but required four drugs to control his BP. Complete evaluation for secondary hypertension failed to reveal any cause. Since April 2009, his BP was uncontrolled with four drugs and multiple alterations were made in his treatment. At one point of time he was receiving seven antihypertensives in maximal doses (prazosin, propranolol, enalapril, losartan, aliskiren, clo-nidine, and methyldopa) with persistent wide excursions of BP (140-280/100-180 mrnHg). In May 2009, he developed redness of eye. Evaluation by an ophthalmologist was suggestive of keratoconjunctivitis. This was resistant to all forms of treatment offered (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and immunomodu-lators). He was referred to this centre for further evaluation.He complained of headache, palpitations, and giddiness which had increased in frequency and duration. He had persistent tremulousness. Detailed history did not point to any specific cause but probability of pheochromocytoma was kept high. His eye symptoms persisted on medications. There was no family history of hypertension.
机译:大约10年前(2001年),一名34岁的男性首次出现了焦虑神经症的症状。六个月后,他被发现血压升高(BP)160-220 / 90-130mmHg。同时,他还注意到发作性头痛,心和头晕。他开始服用抗高血压药,但需要四种药物来控制血压。继发性高血压的完整评估未能揭示任何原因。自2009年4月以来,他的血压一直不受四种药物的控制,并且在治疗中进行了多次改动。在某个时间点,他正在接受七种最大剂量的降压药(普拉唑嗪,普萘洛尔,依那普利,氯沙坦,阿利吉仑,克洛尼定和甲基多巴),持续出现广泛的BP漂移(140-280 / 100-180 mHg)。 2009年5月,他出现了眼睛发红。眼科医生的评估提示角膜结膜炎。它对所提供的所有形式的治疗(抗菌,抗真菌,抗病毒和免疫调节剂)均具有抵抗力。他被转介到该中心进行进一步评估。他抱怨头痛,心和头晕的频率和持续时间增加了。他有持续的颤抖。详细的病史并未指出任何具体原因,但嗜铬细胞瘤的可能性仍然很高。他的眼睛症状持续用药。没有高血压家族史。



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