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Indonesian exports decline, but still above target


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The degree of volatility in tin prices over the past month makes it appear as thoughthe underlying run up had little to do with fundamentals and a lot more to dowith technical trading. The tightness of the forward curve, and subsequent movesin stocks and warrants, has been the driving force. The scale of the moves whichhave occurred – up to $1,000/tonne a day – are in fact not that unusual in thetin market, due to the limited liquidity. And over the summer months liquiditytends to be reduced even further given the absence of players from the market.Nevertheless, while the cash to three month prices are backwardated to the tuneof $25/tonne, and in fact the entire forward curve is in backwardation, outrightprices have since softened as tin pries step back in line with the broader weaknessin the base metals sector.
机译:过去一个月锡价的波动程度似乎表明,潜在的上涨与基本面几乎没有关系,而与技术交易有很大关系。前进曲线的紧度以及随后的库存和认股权证的移动一直是驱动力。实际上,由于流动性有限,已经发生的交易规模高达每天1,000美元/吨,在锡市场上并不罕见。在夏季的几个月中,由于缺乏市场参与者,流动性趋于进一步降低,尽管现金至三个月的价格被倒退至$ 25 / t,实际上整个远期曲线处于倒退状态,价格坚挺此后,随着锡撬的退潮与基本金属行业的普遍疲软相提并论,金价已经走软。



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