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Medicine, belief, witchcraft and demonic possession in late seventeenth-century Ulster.


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Ireland's only published witchcraft pamphlet, written by Daniel Higgs, The Wonderful and True Relation of the Bewitching of a Young Girle in Ireland, What Ways she was Tormented, and a Receipt of the Ointment that she was Cured with (1699), works within the confines of late seventeenth-century demonology, while upholding the patriarchy of the fledgling Protestant Ascendancy. More importantly, it provides rare insight into early modern Protestant witchcraft beliefs, highlights the limits of contemporary medical care and provision and details the pathways of self-medication people resorted to. Higgs' method of promoting self-medication as a cure to bewitchment and demonic possession was based on a remedy described in an obscure Renaissance magical text. To promote his 'cure' the pamphlet included a particularly vitriolic critique of the established Irish medical profession, as self-regarding and incompetent witchcraft deniers. This article uses Higgs' pamphlet to explore the limits to/of medical knowledge in early modern Ireland and Europe.
机译:爱尔兰唯一出版的巫术手册,由丹尼尔·希格斯(Daniel Higgs)撰写,《一个年轻女孩在爱尔兰的迷人与真实关系》,《她受折磨的方式》和《她被治愈的药膏的收据》(169​​9年),在限制了17世纪晚期的恶魔学说,同时坚持了刚刚起步的新教徒的统治权。更重要的是,它提供了对早期现代新教徒巫术信仰的罕见见解,突出了当代医疗保健和提供的局限性,并详述了人们诉诸自我治疗的途径。希格斯(Higgs)提倡自我疗养的方法是治愈魔力和魔鬼的方法,它是基于一种晦涩的文艺复兴时期魔法文本中描述的一种补救措施。为了促进他的“治愈”,该小册子特别批评了已建立的爱尔兰医学界,认为这是对自我的尊重和无能的巫术否认者。本文使用希格斯的小册子来探讨现代爱尔兰和欧洲早期医学知识的局限性。



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