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Scottish election fevers scatters cash at greenery


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The ending of the current session of the Scottish Parliament, at the end of March, and the start of election campaigning for MSPs provided the perfect backdrop for ministers on the Scottish Executive to demonstrate their green credentials ahead of the election on May 3. As ever, the Executive finds itself awash with funds and unspent budgets that need distributing ahead of the election, so its leaders are off in pursuit of headlines. With parties competing to show how green they can be, the reigning Labour and Libdem coalition has had one last chance to show they support environmental initiatives, before they begin to campaign separately for seats in the new Parliament. Consequently, 74 biomass projects have had windfalls from a 10.5m pounds fund. Together, these are expected to save a total of 37,000t of carbon dioxide each year. That's a massive 283 pounds for each annual tonne of CO_2, when the price of emissions under the EU emissions trading scheme is currently less than 1 euros/t of CO_2.
机译:苏格兰议会本届会议于3月底结束,MSP竞选活动的开始为苏格兰行政长官的部长在5月3日大选之前展示其绿色资历提供了理想的背景。 ,行政长官发现自己需要在大选前分配资金和未动用的预算,因此其领导人不愿成为头条新闻。随着各党派争相展示自己的绿色程度,在位的工党和利比登联盟在开始分别竞选新议会的席位之前,有最后一次机会表明他们支持环保倡议。结果,有74个生物质能项目获得了1,050万英镑资金的意外收获。预计这些合计每年将共节省37,000吨二氧化碳。当欧盟排放交易计划下的排放价格目前不到1欧元/吨CO_2时,这就是每年每吨CO_2 283磅的巨额资金。



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