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SSE-greener than the greenest green thing


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Scottish and Southern Energy is setting a furious pace in the way it is making environmentally sound announcements. In June, it not only published its corporate responsibility report, but it packed David Miliband, the fresh faced secretary of state for Defra, up to Fiddlers Ferry to see the unveiling of not one, but two green initiatives, whilst taking the opportunity to bend his ear about the daftness of some of the rules governing biomass co-firing. SSE has, of course, invested heavily to co-fire biomass with coal at Fiddlers which has been at the forefront, together with Ferrybridge, as the industry leaders in gaining Renewable Obligations Certificates (ROCs) from it. SSE is at pains, however, to convince Defra that changes that were made to the co-firing rules last April, limiting their availability, should be reversed to allow co-firing ROCs to be gained forever.
机译:苏格兰能源公司和南方能源公司在发布无害环境的声明方面正在大步向前。 6月,它不仅发布了企业责任报告,而且还打包了Defra刚当过任的国务卿戴维·米利班德(David Miliband)到Fiddlers Ferry那里,看到了其中一项绿色倡议的揭幕,但有两项倡议却趁机弯曲了。他对某些关于生物质共烧的规则的愚蠢性表示怀疑。 SSE当然已经与Ferrybridge一起在Fiddlers方面投入了巨大的资金来与煤共同燃烧生物质,而Ferrybridge则是从中获得可再生义务证书(ROC)的行业领导者。但是,SSE会费心地说服Defra,应该撤销去年4月对共点火规则所做的更改,限制了它们的可用性,以便永远获得共点火ROC。



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