
Nickel highlights


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At least some market participants seem to have grabbed on firmly to nevus that production could fall short of expectations, and that ready nickel availability may not be as abundant as it at first might seem on paper. Nickel prices charged straight through $17,000/tonne barely pausing to catch a breath. The bull momentum in the nickel contract carried on, while some other contracts flagged, to fall just short of reaching $l8,000Atonne. However, we believe that much of nickel's relative strength seems to be coming from the short covering activity, which in most likelihood is related to the large short position which has been building since early 2012. There is little evidence as yet of many major new longs entering the nickel market, and at $18,000/tonne prices have overshot even our fourth-quarter projections. Nevertheless, while nickel may have temporarily outperformed copper, overall copper is fast approaching early 2012 highs. Nickel is still doing nothing of the kind. We would not be surprised to see a sharp downward correction in nickel overthe next week or so, to take prices back to around the$17,000/tonne mark as we move into the fourth quarter.
机译:至少有一些市场参与者似乎已经坚定地抓住痣,认为产量可能达不到预期,并且现成的镍供应量可能不如乍看起来的那么丰富。镍价直升至$ 17,000 / t,几乎没有停下来。镍合约的多头动能继续进行,而其他一些合约也有所下滑,仅略低于18,000美元/吨。但是,我们认为,镍的相对强势似乎主要来自空头回补活动,这很可能与自2012年初以来一直在建立的大型空头头寸有关。目前尚无证据表明许多主要的新多头头寸。进入镍市场,18,000美元/吨的价格甚至超过了我们对第四季度的预测。尽管如此,尽管镍可能暂时好于铜,但整体铜正在迅速接近2012年初的高位。镍仍无所作为。下周左右镍价大幅下调,当我们进入第四季度时,使价格回到17,000美元/吨左右,我们并不感到惊讶。



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