首页> 外文期刊>Mathematics of operations research >Fluid Limits for Bandwidth-Sharing Networks with Rate Constraints

Fluid Limits for Bandwidth-Sharing Networks with Rate Constraints


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Bandwidth-sharing networks as introduced by Roberts and Massoulié [Roberts JW, Massoulié L (1998) Bandwidth sharing and admission control for elastic traffic. Proc. ITC Specialist Seminar, Yokohama, Japan], Massoulié and Roberts [Massoulié L, Roberts JW (1999) Bandwidth sharing: Objectives and algorithms. Proc. IEEE Infocom. (Books in Statistics, New York), 1395-1403] model the dynamic interaction among an evolving population of elastic flows competing for several links. With policies based on optimization procedures, such models are of interest both from a queueing theory and operations research perspective. In the present paper, we focus on bandwidth-sharing networks with capacities and arrival rates of a large order of magnitude compared to transfer rates of individual flows. This regime is standard in practice. In particular, we extend previous work by Reed and Zwart [Reed J, Zwart B (2010) Limit theorems for bandwidth-sharing networks with rate constraints. Revised, preprint http://people.stern.nyu.edu/jreed/Papers/BARevised.pdf] on fluid approximations for such networks: we allow interarrival times, flow sizes, and patient times (i.e., abandonment times measured from the arrival epochs) to be generally distributed, rather than exponentially distributed. We also develop polynomial-time computable fixed-point approximations for stationary distributions of bandwidth-sharing networks, and suggest new techniques for deriving these types of results.
机译:由Roberts和Massoulié提出的带宽共享网络[Roberts JW,MassouliéL(1998)弹性流量的带宽共享和准入控制。进程ITC专家研讨会,日本横滨],Massoulié和Roberts [MassouliéL,Roberts JW(1999)带宽共享:目标和算法。进程IEEE Infocom。 (纽约统计局,1395-1403年)对竞争的几个环节的不断发展的弹性流总体之间的动态相互作用进行了建模。通过基于优化程序的策略,无论是从排队论还是从运筹学的角度来看,此类模型都是令人感兴趣的。在本文中,我们关注带宽共享网络,其容量和到达速率与单个流的传输速率相比具有很大的数量级。该制度在实践中是标准的。特别是,我们扩展了Reed和Zwart的先前工作[Reed J,Zwart B(2010)限制速率共享的带宽共享网络的极限定理。经修订的预印本http://people.stern.nyu.edu/jreed/Papers/BARevised.pdf],针对此类网络的流体近似值:我们允许到达时间,流量大小和患者时间(即从到达起算的放弃时间)纪元)进行一般分配,而不是按指数分配。我们还为带宽共享网络的平稳分布开发了多项式时间可计算的定点近似值,并提出了得出这些类型结果的新技术。



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