首页> 外文期刊>Mathematics of operations research >A Matroid Approach to Stable Matchings with Lower Quotas

A Matroid Approach to Stable Matchings with Lower Quotas


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In 2010, Huang introduced the laminar classified stable matching problem (LCSM for short) that is motivated by academic hiring. This problem is an extension of the well-known hospitals/residents problem in which a hospital has laminar classes of residents and it sets lower and upper bounds on the number of residents that it can hire in each class. Against the intuition that variations of the stable matching problem with lower quotas are difficult in general, Huang proved that LCSM can be solved in polynomial time. In this paper, we present a matroid-based approach to LCSM and we obtain the following results. (i) We solve a generalization of LCSM in which both sides have quotas. (ii) Huang raised a question about a polyhedral description of the set of stable assignments in LCSM. We give a positive answer for this question by exhibiting a polyhedral description of the set of stable assignments in a generalization of LCSM. (iii) We prove that the set of stable assignments in a generalization of LCSM has a lattice structure that is similar to the (ordinary) stable matching problem.
机译:Huang于2010年引入了层层稳定匹配问题(以下简称LCSM),该问题是由学术招聘引起的。该问题是众所周知的医院/居民问题的扩展,在该问题中,医院具有分层的居民等级,并且它为每个等级中可以雇用的居民人数设定了上限和下限。相对于直觉上难以稳定稳定匹配问题和较低配额的直觉,Huang证明了LCSM可以在多项式时间内求解。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于拟阵的LCSM方法,并获得了以下结果。 (i)我们解决了双方都有配额的LCSM的一般化问题。 (ii)Huang提出了一个关于LCSM中稳定任务集的多面体描述的问题。通过在LCSM的一般化中展示稳定分配集的多面体描述,我们对这个问题给出了肯定的答案。 (iii)我们证明,在LCSM的一般化中,稳定分配的集合具有类似于(普通)稳定匹配问题的晶格结构。



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