首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Morphological and swim performance variation among reproductive tactics of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)

Morphological and swim performance variation among reproductive tactics of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)

机译:蓝blue翻车鱼(Lepomis macrochirus)繁殖策略之间形态和游泳性能的变化

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Ecomorphology examines the relationship between morphology and ecological characteristics often in relation to foraging, predation, and habitat use. However, ecomorphology may also be linked to reproductive behaviour ("tactic"), but few studies have examined this relationship. We examined bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, 1819), a species in which some males become "parentals" while others adopt a parasitic "cuckolder" tactic. Parentals build nests, court females, and care for the young. Cuckolders instead act as "sneakers", darting into nests while females are releasing eggs, and then transition to "satellites", mimicking female appearance. We predicted that reproductive tactic would be associated with morphological variation and swimming performance. We collected bluegill parentals, sneakers, satellites, females, and juveniles to compare morphology, burst swim, and swim endurance. We found significant morphological variation among the groups, with only satellites and females having similar body shapes. Interestingly, satellites did not overlap in shape with sneakers, despite representing a single ontogenetic life history, providing evidence for a relationship between reproductive tactic and morphology. We also found that swim performance varied among the groups, with sneakers having the fastest burst swim and longest swim endurance. Our results indicate that reproductive tactic is an important factor in the ecomorphology of fish.
机译:生态形态学通常在觅食,捕食和栖息地使用方面检查形态学与生态特征之间的关系。但是,生态形态学也可能与生殖行为有关(“策略”),但是很少有研究检查这种关系。我们研究了蓝blue翻车鱼(Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque,1819年),该物种中有些雄性变为“亲本”,而另一些则采用了寄生的“戴绿帽”策略。父母会筑巢,为雌鸟求婚,并照顾年轻人。戴绿帽的人反而充当“运动鞋”,在雌性释放卵时飞入巢中,然后过渡到“卫星”,模仿雌性外观。我们预测生殖策略将与形态变异和游泳表现相关。我们收集了蓝blue父母,运动鞋,人造卫星,雌性和青少年,以比较形态,爆发式游泳和耐泳性。我们发现两组之间的形态学差异很大,只有卫星和雌性具有相似的体型。有趣的是,尽管代表了一个个体发育的生活史,但卫星并未与运动鞋重叠,为生殖策略和形态之间的关系提供了证据。我们还发现,各组的游泳表现各不相同,其中运动鞋具有最快的爆发游泳和最长的游泳耐力。我们的结果表明,繁殖策略是鱼类生态形态的重要因素。



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