首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Programming >Integrated market selection and production planning: Complexity and solution approaches

Integrated market selection and production planning: Complexity and solution approaches


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Emphasis on effective demand management is becoming increasingly recognized as an important factor in operations performance. Operations models that account for supply costs and constraints as well as a supplier's ability to influence demand characteristics can lead to an improved match between supply and demand. This paper presents a class of optimization models that allow a supplier to select, from a set of potential markets, those markets that provide maximum profit when production/procurement economies of scale exist in the supply process. The resulting optimization problem we study possesses an interesting structure and we show that although the general problem is NP -complete, a number of relevant and practical special cases can be solved in polynomial time. We also provide a computationally very efficient and intuitively attractive heuristic solution procedure that performs extremely well on a large number of test instances.



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