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Future perspectives including fuel cells, gas turbines, USC and HGCU the US perspective


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Both the US Department of Energy (DOE) and EPRI are developing models for the evolution of a secure energy future for the USA. Our general views are very similar. However, there are some differences in approach. DOE is concerned with all energy issues in the US future, including electricity, transportation fuels, and the industrial, commercial, and residential energy sectors; EPRI is concerned specifically with the electricity component, principally in the USA, but, as does DOE, also takes a global view. Both organizations take what is now known as a 'Roadmapping' approach. Roadmapping is an example of a 'Top Down' planning method: it involves the specification of a "destination" which the research and development program is aimed towards. In the DOE case, the destination refers to a secure energy future. Typically, Roadmapping is concerned with relatively long time scales. Time scales for different technologies are, of course, very different; in a fast-moving technology such as semiconductors, five to ten years may be a long time. For energy, the equipment is large; planning and construction times are long, and the expected lifetimes of the major components are not less than twenty years, and more typically up to forty years. The time scale that both of our organizations talk about is in the range 20-50 years in the future. The DOE model is called 'Vision 21.' The specific destination for Vision 21 is the technical design bases for near-zero emission fossil fueled energy plants. The EPRI model is called the 'Electricity Technology Roadmap', and more recently we have 'A Vision of the Electricity System of 2020.' An important aspect of the method common to both DOE and EPRI is that the destination is developed by what is called a 'Stakeholder' group: this involves not only the researchers and developers, but also the eventual customers for the technology, and the users of the products. This will include members with environmental and societal concerns. In this paper, we will highlight some of the scenarios that emerge from these models. The first part will concentrate on the Department of Energy program; the latter part on the EPRI view, remembering that we are in close agreement on most aspects.
机译:美国能源部(DOE)和EPRI都在为美国的安全能源未来的发展开发模型。我们的总体看法非常相似。但是,方法上存在一些差异。能源部关注美国未来的所有能源问题,包括电力,运输燃料以及工业,商业和住宅能源部门; EPRI主要在美国专门关注电力组件,但与DOE一样,也具有全球视野。这两个组织都采用现在称为“ Roadmapping”的方法。路线图是“自上而下”计划方法的一个示例:它涉及研发目标旨在的“目的地”的规范。在DOE中,目的地是指安全的能源未来。通常,Roadmapping涉及相对较长的时间范围。当然,不同技术的时间尺度是非常不同的。在半导体等快速发展的技术中,可能需要五到十年的时间。对于能源来说,设备很大;规划和建造时间很长,主要组件的预期寿命不少于20年,更典型的是长达40年。我们两个组织都谈论的时间范围是未来20至50年。 DOE模型称为“愿景21”。 Vision 21的特定目标是接近零排放的化石燃料发电厂的技术设计基础。 EPRI模型被称为“电力技术路线图”,最近,我们有了“ 2020年电力系统愿景”。 DOE和EPRI共同使用的方法的一个重要方面是,目的地是由所谓的“利益相关者”小组开发的:这不仅涉及研究人员和开发人员,而且最终涉及该技术的客户以及该技术的用户产品。这将包括对环境和社会有关注的成员。在本文中,我们将重点介绍这些模型中出现的一些场景。第一部分将集中于能源部计划;在EPRI观点的后半部分,请记住,我们在大多数方面都息息相关。



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