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In the presence of giants


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To see humpback whales 'bubblenetting' as they herd their prey upwards before erupting from the water is an unforgettable experience. But to be among the whales, sitting above them in a kayak, is something else... My jaws are stained scarlet as I bolt down pancakes soaked in freshly picked huckleberries. I am consuming a huge breakfast on the beach, fuelling up so that I can keep up with the ensuing day's action. But my prodigious appetite is about to be overshadowed by some fellow diners cruisingtowards me. The first volley of steaming breath ruptures the stillness of the morning air. The 'big eaters' have arrived - a pod of humpback whales. The whales have come to spend another day foraging, to give them the energy to migrate in early autumn totheir winter breeding waters in Hawaii. I must keep up with them in my kayak for as much as 50km a day as they search for prey throughout the sounds, straits and inlets that divide South-east Alaska into a vast archipelago of hundreds of islands. I flick another pancake onto my plate as I watch our of the corner of my eye the whales diving. There is no time to lose - I have spent much of the past 20 years observing and photographing these magnificent animals, and my hunger is still undiminished.
机译:看到座头鲸在从水里喷出来之前将其猎物向上抬起时会“冒泡”,这是一次难忘的经历。但是要坐在鲸鱼之中,以皮划艇坐在鲸鱼之上,那是另一回事……当我拧紧浸泡在新鲜采摘的美洲越橘中的煎饼时,我的下巴被染成猩红色。我在海滩上吃一顿丰盛的早餐,加油,这样我就可以跟上随后的一天。但是,我的食欲大增将被一些同行的食客所迷。头一次冒出的蒸汽使早晨的空气平静。 “大食者”已经到来-一头座头鲸。鲸鱼开始花一天的时间进行觅食,以赋予它们能量,使之在初秋时节迁移到他们在夏威夷的冬季繁殖水域。我必须每天在皮划艇上跟他们保持长达50公里的距离,因为它们会在将东南阿拉斯加划分成数百个岛屿的广阔群岛的各种声音,海峡和入口中搜寻猎物。当我看着鲸鱼跳水的眼角时,我在盘子上轻拂了另一块煎饼。没有时间可以浪费-在过去的20年中,我花了很多时间观察和拍摄这些宏伟的动物,但我的饥饿感仍然没有减轻。



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