首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Paleomagnetism and counterclockwise tectonic rotation of the Upper Oligocene Sooke Formation, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Paleomagnetism and counterclockwise tectonic rotation of the Upper Oligocene Sooke Formation, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia


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The age of the Sooke Formation on the southern coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, has long been controversial. Prior paleomagnetic studies have produced a puzzling counterclockwise tectonic rotation on the underlying Eocene volcanic basement rocks, and no conclusive results on the Sooke Formation itself. We took 21 samples in four sites in the fossiliferous portion of the Sooke Formation west of Sooke Bay from the mouth of Muir Creek to the mouth of Sandcut Creek. After both alternating field (AF) and thermal demagnetization, the Sooke Formation produces a single-component remanence, held largely in magnetite, which is entirely reversed and rotated counterclockwise by 35 degrees +/- 12 degrees. This is consistent with earlier results and shows that the rotation is real and not due to tectonic tilting, since the Sooke Formation in this region has almost no dip. This rotational signature is also consistent with counterclockwise rotations obtained from the northeast tip of the Olympic Peninsula in the Port Townsend volcanics and the Eocene-Oligocene sediments of the Quimper Peninsula. The reversed magnetozone of the Sooke sections sampled is best correlated with Chron C6Cr (24.1-24.8 Ma) or latest Oligocene in age, based on the most recent work on the Liracassis apta Zone molluscan fauna, and also a number of unique marine mammals found in the same reversed magnetozone in Washington and Oregon.
机译:长期以来,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛南海岸的苏克岩层的时代一直存在争议。先前的古磁性研究已经在下伏的始新世火山基底岩石上产生了令人费解的逆时针构造旋转,而在Sooke地层本身上没有结论性的结果。我们从穆尔溪(Muir Creek)口到桑德库特克里克(Sandcut Creek)口,在苏克湾以西的苏克组化石部分的四个地点采集了21个样品。经过交变磁场(AF)和热消磁后,苏克岩层产生了单组分剩磁,大部分保留在磁铁矿中,该剩磁完全反转并逆时针旋转35度+/- 12度。这与早期结果一致,表明旋转是真实的,而不是由于构造倾斜,因为该区域的苏克组几乎没有倾角。这种旋转特征也与从汤森港火山口的奥林匹克半岛东北端和坎佩尔半岛的始新世-渐新世沉积物获得的逆时针旋转一致。根据有关Liracassis apta Zone软体动物区系的最新研究,以及在该地区发现的许多独特的海洋哺乳动物,Sooke断面的逆磁磁区与年龄Cron 6Cr(24.1-24.8 Ma)或最新渐新世的相关性最好。华盛顿和俄勒冈州的逆磁区也一样。



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