首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Early Cretaceous (?early late Albian) echinoderms from northeastern British Columbia, Canada

Early Cretaceous (?early late Albian) echinoderms from northeastern British Columbia, Canada


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An echinoderm association is reported from the ? early late Albian Paddy Member of the Peace River Formation of British Columbia, Canada. The association includes Frasericrinus mauricensis gen. et sp. nov., two additional distinctive crinoid column types, a poorly preserved asteroid, and an umbilical fragment of the cephalopod Stelckiceras. This is the first report of a Cretaceous isocrinid from North America. The echinoderm fossils are from the top of a succession of storm-deposited sandstones and mudstones (Boulder Creek Formation) that can be correlated southward into nearshore and terrestrial facies of the Paddy Member of the Peace River Formation. The echinoderm fossils were buried (and probably lived) about 12-14 km from the contemporaneous shoreline in an estimated water depth of 10-20 m. Integration of biostratigraphic and allostratigraphic schemes suggests that the echinoderms are of earliest late Albian age. The association of the echinoderm fauna with ammonites of Boreal affinity indicates deposition in northern waters, although the presence of Tethyan inoceramids in apparently coeval Paddy Member strata 270 km to the east suggests that northward-advancing water from the Gulf of Mexico had reached northwestern Alberta, if not actually merged with the Boreal embayment. The nearshore occurrence of Cretaceous stalked crinoids is indicative of an asynchronous, gradual migration of stalked crinoids to deep-water habitats, to which they are restricted in modern oceans.
机译:据报道,棘皮动物协会。 Albian Paddy早期晚期,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省Peace River小组成员。该协会包括Frasericrinus mauricensis gen。等。十一月,另外两个独特的海百合形柱类型,一个保存不佳的小行星和头足类Stelckiceras的脐带碎片。这是来自北美的白垩纪异旋虫的首次报道。棘皮动物化石来自一系列风暴沉积的砂岩和泥岩(博尔德克里克组)的顶部,这些砂岩和泥岩可以向南与和平河组的稻田成员的近岸和陆地相相关。棘皮动物化石被埋葬(并可能活了),距同期海岸线约12-14 km,估计水深为10-20 m。生物地层学和同工地层学方案的整合表明,棘皮动物最早出现在阿尔比时代晚期。棘皮动物区系与北方亲和性炸药的结合表明在北部水域有沉积物,尽管在东部约270 km的远古Paddy Member地层中存在特提斯yan虫卵,这表明来自墨西哥湾的北进水已经到达西北亚伯大,如果没有真正与北方集团合并。白垩纪茎状海百合在近岸发生,表明茎状海百合向深水生境异步,逐步迁移,在现代海洋中它们受到限制。



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