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A new dawn for Prince Rupert: Container terminal makes its debut


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After years of planning, the new entrance to Canada's western gateway is finally open. The Port of Prince Rupert's Fairview Container Terminal made its formal debut last month with a grand opening ceremony on its new wharf. In formally cutting the ribbon, Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) president and CEO Don Krusel said the stars have aligned for the port. Container traffic from Asia has built steadily and other ports on North America's west coast are jammed, making the extra capacity of a new container terminal a welcome relief. "Our timing couldn't have been better to bring on-stream this high-performing container terminal to anchor a new express trade corridor," he said.
机译:经过多年的计划,加拿大西部门户的新入口终于开放。鲁珀特王子港的锦绣集装箱码头于上个月正式开幕,其新码头隆重开幕。鲁珀特王子港务局(PRPA)总裁兼首席执行官唐·克鲁塞尔(Don Krusel)在正式剪彩时说,各界人士对港口进行了统一。来自亚洲的集装箱运输量稳定增长,北美西海岸的其他港口也被堵塞,这使新的集装箱码头的额外运力令人欣慰。他说:“我们最好的时机是将这个高性能的集装箱码头投入生产,以锚定一个新的快递贸易通道。”



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