首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Field relationships, petrology, age, and tectonic setting of the late cambrian-Ordovician west Barneys River plutonic suite, southern Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada

Field relationships, petrology, age, and tectonic setting of the late cambrian-Ordovician west Barneys River plutonic suite, southern Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada


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The West Barneys River Plutonic Suite consists of gabbro, syenite-monzonite, alkali-feldspar syenite to quartz alkalifeldspar syenite, and alkali-feldspar granite outcropping in an area of ~100 km2 in the southern Antigonish Highlands. Magma mixing and mingling textures indicate a comagmatic relationship between some of the mafic and intermediate-felsic lithologies. However, nine U-Pb (zircon) ages, three by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and six by laser-ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), from the West Barneys River suite and the lithologically similar Cape Porcupine Complex located 60 km to the east range from ca. 495 to 460 Ma, indicating that emplacement occurred over a significant span of time. Intermediate to felsic rocks consist mainly of perthitic K-feldspar and variable amounts of quartz; interstitial granophyre is present in some samples, consistent with shallow emplacement. Mafic phases are Fe-rich amphibole and clinopyroxene, and in some units, fayalite. Intermediate and felsic samples have chemical characteristics of within-plate ferroan A-type granitoid rocks. Gabbroic rocks consist of plagioclase (oligoclase-labradorite) and augite/diopside with less abundant orthopyroxene, olivine, biotite, and ilmenite/magnetite. Their chemical compositions are transitional from tholeiitic to alkalic and characteristic of continental within-plate mafic rocks. The ε_(Nd) values are similar in gabbroic, syenitic, and granitic samples, ranging between 0.9 and 4.9, consistent with a co-genetic origin for the mafic and intermediate/felsic components of the suite, and derivation from Avalonian subcontinental lithospheric mantle in an extensional environment.
机译:West Barneys River Plutonic Suite由辉长岩,正长岩-辉长岩,碱长石正长岩至石英碱长石正长岩和碱土长石花岗岩露头组成,面积约100 km2,位于安蒂哥尼什高地南部。岩浆混合和混合纹理表明某些镁铁质岩体和中等质岩性岩性之间存在着共晶关系。但是,有9个U-Pb(锆石)年龄,其中3个是通过热电离质谱(TIMS),另外6个是通过激光烧蚀-电感耦合等离子体-质谱(LA-ICP-MS),来自西巴尼斯河套件和岩性类似的Cape Porcupine Complex位于约60公里以东的范围。 495至460 Ma,表明发生了相当长的时间跨度。中等至长英质岩石主要由蠕生钾长石和不同数量的石英组成。某些样品中存在间质性粒细胞,与浅层位相一致。镁铁质相是富铁的闪石和斜辉石,在某些单元中是铁橄榄石。中间和长英质样品具有板内亚铁A型花岗岩的化学特征。辉长岩由斜长石(低钙长石-拉长石)和辉石/透辉石组成,少有邻苯二茂,橄榄石,黑云母和钛铁矿/磁铁矿。它们的化学成分是从生硬质过渡到碱性的,并具有板状镁铁质陆相岩石的特征。辉长岩,辉绿岩和花岗岩样品中的ε_(Nd)值相似,范围在0.9和4.9之间,与该套件中的镁铁质和中性/长素体成分的共生起源一致,并且源自阿瓦隆次大陆岩石圈地幔扩展性的环境。



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