首页> 外文期刊>Marine Ornithology >Diet of Black-browed Thalassarche melanophrys and Atlantic Yellow-nosed T. chlororhynchos albatrosses and White-chinned Procellaria aequinoctialis and Spectacled P. conspicillata Petrels off southern Brazil

Diet of Black-browed Thalassarche melanophrys and Atlantic Yellow-nosed T. chlororhynchos albatrosses and White-chinned Procellaria aequinoctialis and Spectacled P. conspicillata Petrels off southern Brazil

机译:巴西南部海域黑眉Thalassarche黑色素瘤和大西洋黄鼻T. chlororhynchos albatrosses和白chinProcellaria aequinoctialis和眼镜P. conspicillata Petrels的饮食

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The diet of the Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophrys, Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross T. chlororhynchos, White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis and Spectacled Petrel P. conspicillata were studied by analyzing the contents of digestive tracts of birds found washed ashore or incidentally caught by pelagic longline fisheries off southern Brazil between 1994 and 2004. Cephalopod beaks, fish otoliths and eye lenses were dominant in the digestive tracts of birds. About 90% of the food items of petrels were in the gizzard and were mainly cephalopod beaks, which are resistant to digestion. Among anthropogenic items ingested, plastics were the most frequent and most numerous. Cephalopods predominated in the diet of White-chinned and Spectacled Petrels, mainly squid from the family Histioteuthidae. Fish had greater importance in the diet of both albatross species. Demersal fish occurred in the diet of albatrosses and the White-chinned Petrel. Coastal fish distributed over the continental shelf were found in a higher number and diversity in beached birds than in birds killed in longline fisheries. Cephalopods predominated in both number and diversity in the diet of longline-caught birds, mainly sub-Antarctic and subtropical species. Approximately 40% of this diet was composed of fish and cephalopods that were probably discarded from fisheries, evidence of a strong interaction between these birds and fisheries in southern Brazil.
机译:对黑眉信天翁Thalassarche黑色素瘤,大西洋黄鼻信天翁T. chlororhynchos,白-海燕Procellaria aequinoctialis和眼镜海燕P. conspicillata的饮食进行了研究,方法是分析其被冲上岸或偶然捕获的鸟类消化道的成分1994年至2004年之间,巴西南部海域上层延绳钓渔业。头足类喙,鱼耳石和目镜在鸟类的消化道中占主导地位。海燕的食物中约有90%位于the中,并且主要是头足类喙,它们对消化具有抵抗力。在摄入的人为物品中,塑料是最常见和最多的。头足类在白chin和带眼镜的海燕的饮食中占主导地位,主要是来自His科的鱿鱼。鱼在两种信天翁物种的饮食中都具有更大的重要性。信天翁和白chin海燕的饮食中存在海底鱼类。在滩涂鸟类中发现分布在大陆架上的沿海鱼类比在延绳钓渔业中被杀死的鸟类具有更高的数量和多样性。在延绳钓鸟类的饮食中,头足类动物在数量和多样性上均占主导地位,主要是南极和亚热带物种。这种饮食中大约有40%由鱼类和头足类动物组成,这些鱼类和头足类动物可能从渔业中丢弃了,这证明了这些鸟类与巴西南部渔业之间有很强的相互作用。



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