首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Age and tectonic implications of Paleoproterozoic granitoid intrusions within the Nain Province near Nain, Labrador

Age and tectonic implications of Paleoproterozoic granitoid intrusions within the Nain Province near Nain, Labrador


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U-Pb (zircon) age determinations from threegranitoid intrusions in the Nain region, formerly assigned to thewell-known 1.35-1.29 Ga (Mesoproterozoic) Nain Plutonic Suite(NPS), indicate that they were emplaced, instead, during thePaleoproterozoic. Crystallization ages of 2109 +-3 Ma for SheetHill granite, 2052 +- 4 Ma for Loon Island granite, and 2025 +- 7Ma for Satok Island monzonite demonstrate a decreasing time ofemplacement from north to south. Leucocratic basic rocks,superficially similar to those of the NPS, occur as inclusionswithin the Satok Island monzonite and are intruded by an 1873 +-4 Ma granitic aplite dyke north of Webb's Bay. The ages clearlydemonstrate granitic magmatism in the Nain area for at least 750Ma, and anorthositic magmatism for at least 675 Ma, before thedevelopment of NPS. The earliest Paleoproterozoic magmatism(2109-2025 Ma) may have coincided with breakup of the NorthAtlantic craton, whereas the local magmatism represented by the1873 Ma aplite dyke may be related to the embryonic stages of thecontinental collision that produced the 1860-1740 Ma TorngatOrogen. Leucocratic basic rocks associated with thePaleoproterozoic granitic rocks identified here could be Archeanin age, but are more likely coeval with the granites. Other graniticand basic rocks in the Nain area may likewise be products of thisbimodal plutonism. Identification of this possible geologicalduality suggests repetitive magmatism of "anorogenic type" over asignificant time span in this part of Labrador. If the mantle-plume-related genesis accorded the Mesoproterozoic NPS is applicable tothe Paleoproterozoic rocks, it implies multiple periods of similarlithosphere-asthenosphere interaction in this area, beginning atleast in the Paleoproterozoic. The Paleoproterozoic magmas mayhave been emplaced into Nain Province crust along a linearintracontinental extension zone inboard from a rifted margin.
机译:从Nain地区的三类类人岩侵入体中确定U-Pb(锆石)年龄,该年龄以前分配给著名的1.35-1.29 Ga(中元古代)Nain古生代套件(NPS),表明它们是在古古生代时期放置的。 SheetHill花岗岩的结晶年龄为2109 + -3 Ma,Loon Island花岗岩的结晶年龄为2052 +-4 Ma,Satok Island锰铁矿的结晶年龄为2025 +-7Ma,表明从北向南沉积的时间缩短了。白云岩基岩表面上与NPS相似,以包裹体的形式出现在Satok岛的长zon岩中,并被Webb湾以北的1873 + -4 Ma花岗岩岩脉侵入。在NPS发生之前,这些年龄清楚地表明,奈因地区的花岗岩浆作用至少为750Ma,而无寄生虫的岩浆作用至少为675Ma。最早的古元古代岩浆活动(2109-2025 Ma)可能与北大西洋克拉通的破裂相吻合,而以1873年Ma顶岩脉为代表的局部岩浆活动可能与产生1860-1740 Ma Torngat造山带的大陆碰撞的胚胎阶段有关。与这里确定的古生代花岗岩相关的白垩纪基性岩石可能是太古宙时代,但更可能与花岗岩同时期。奈恩地区的其他花岗质和基性岩石也可能是这种双峰岩性的产物。对这种可能的地质双重性的识别表明,在拉布拉多的这一段相当长的时间范围内,反复发生了“成矿型”岩浆作用。如果与地幔-岩石有关的成因符合中元古代NPS适用于古元古代岩石,则意味着该地区存在多个相似的岩圈-软流圈相互作用的时期,至少从古元古代开始。古元古代岩浆可能已经从裂谷缘向内沿线性洲际大陆延伸带进入了奈恩省地壳。



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