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Estimates of in situ gas hydrate concentration from resistivity monitoring of gas hydrate bearing sediments during


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As part of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 at southern Hydrate Ridge off Oregon we have monitored changes in sediment electrical resistivity during controlled gas hydrate dissociation experiments. Two cores were used, each filled with gas hydrate bearing sediments (predominantly mud/silty mud). One core was from Site 1249 (1249F-9H3), 42.1 m below seafloor (mbsf) and the other from Site 1248 (1248C-4X1), 28.8 mbsf. At Site 1247, a third experiment was conducted on a core without gas hydrate (1247B-2H1, 3.6 mbsf). First, the cores were imaged using an infra-red (IR) camera upon recovery to map the gas hydrate occurrence through dissociation cooling. Over a period of several hours, successive runs on the multi-sensor track (includes sensors for P-wave velocity, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and gamma-ray density) were carried out complemented by X-ray imaging on core 1249F-9H3. After complete equilibration to room temperature (17-18 deg C) and complete gas hydrate dissociation, the final measurement of electrical resistivity was used to calculate pore-water resistivity and salinities. The calculated pore-water freshening after dissociation is equivalent to a gas hydrate concentration in situ of 35-70 percent along core 1249F-9H3 and 20-35 percent for core 1248C-4X1 assuming seawater salinity of in situ pore fluid. Detailed analysis of the IR scan, X-ray images and split-core photographs showed the hydrate mainly occurred disseminated throughout the core. Additionally, in core 1249F-9H3, a single hydrate filled vein, approximately 10 cm long and dipping at about 65 deg, was identified. Analyses of the logging-while-drilling (LWD) resistivity data revealed a structural dip of 40-80 deg in the interval between 40 and 44 mbsf. We further analyzed all resistivity data measured on the recovered core during Leg 204. Generally poor data quality due to gas cracks allowed analyses to be carried out only at selected intervals at Sites 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, and 1252. With a few exceptions, data from these intervals yield low to no gas hydrate concentration, which corresponds to estimates from downhole resistivity logs. However, since the gas cracking may be the result of gas hydrate dissociation, this is a biased sampling. Cores that had contained some gas hydrate may have been excluded.
机译:作为俄勒冈州南部水合物岭南部海洋钻探计划第204条的一部分,我们在受控的天然气水合物分解实验中监测了沉积物电阻率的变化。使用了两个岩心,每个岩心都充满了含天然气水合物的沉积物(主要是泥浆/粉质泥浆)。一个岩心来自海底(mbsf)以下42.1 m的Site 1249(1249F-9H3),另一个岩心来自28.8 mbsf的Site 1248(1248C-4X1)。在站点1247,对没有气体水合物的岩心(1247B-2H1,3.6 mbsf)进行了第三次实验。首先,在恢复时使用红外(IR)相机对岩心成像,以通过分解冷却绘制天然气水合物的生成图。经过几个小时的时间,在芯线1249F-9H3上进行了X射线成像,从而在多传感器磁道上连续运行(包括P波速度,电阻率,磁化率和伽马射线密度传感器)。完全平衡至室温(17-18摄氏度)并完全分解水合物后,电阻率的最终测量结果用于计算孔隙水电阻率和盐度。假定原位孔隙流体的海水盐度,解离后计算出的孔隙水清新度相当于沿岩心1249F-9H3的原位气体水合物浓度为35-70%,对于岩心1248C-4X1则为20-35%。对IR扫描,X射线图像和裂芯照片的详细分析表明,水合物主要发生在整个芯中。此外,在岩心1249F-9H3中,发现了一条充满水合物的静脉,长约10 cm,倾角约65度。对随钻测井(LWD)电阻率数据的分析显示,在40 mbsf至44 mbsf之间的间隔中,构造倾角为40-80度。我们进一步分析了在Leg 204期间在回收岩心上测得的所有电阻率数据。通常,由于气体裂缝而导致的数据质量较差,因此只能在选定的时间间隔在站点1244、1245、1246、1247、1248、1249和1252进行分析。除少数例外,来自这些间隔的数据产生的天然气水合物浓度很低甚至没有,这对应于井下电阻率测井的估计值。但是,由于气体裂解可能是气体水合物分解的结果,因此这是有偏差的采样。含有某些气体水合物的岩心可能已被排除在外。



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