首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >Tidal and fluvial controls on the internal architecture and sedimentary facies of a lobate estuarine tidal bar (The Plassac Tidal Bar in the Gironde Estuary, France)

Tidal and fluvial controls on the internal architecture and sedimentary facies of a lobate estuarine tidal bar (The Plassac Tidal Bar in the Gironde Estuary, France)


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Estuarine tidal bars emplaced in estuaries are complex sediment bodies composed of sand and mud provided by rivers. This study focuses on the Plassac Tidal Bar, which is the unique lobate-shape tidal bar of the Gironde Estuary, located at the very upstream extremity of the bay-head delta, because no detailed sedimentological studies have been made on such geomorphological category of tidal bar. Its stratigraphy was investigated using a dense grid of 65 very high resolution seismic profiles, ground-truthed by 6 to 9 meter-long cores and time-controlled by historical bathymetric surveys. The base of the tidal bar consists of a tidal erosional surface. This surface has eroded muddy tidalites, corresponding to the maximum flooding surface of the Gironde Estuary. The bar is composed of two vertical sequences of facies, composed of thickening-up cross stratified fine- to medium-grained sand beds at the top and decimeter-thick mud-layers at the base. Those mud layers constitute the master bedding of the bar and are dipping in a channelward direction, perpendicularly to the tidal flows and to the sediment transport directions. One phase of lateral accretion of the Plassac Tidal Bar is correlated with variations in fluvial discharge of the last decades and suggests a climate control on the internal architecture of this sandbar. Low water periods lead to the upstream migration of the turbidity maximum and to the deposition and consolidation of the muddy master bedding planes. During the subsequent flood periods, the muddy master bedding planes are partially eroded and then buried by the fluvially-sourced sandy mini-flood lobes that merge with the tidal bar. The internal architecture of the Plassac Tidal Bar is controlled by a lateral accretion process, its master bedding surfaces which record this process are dipping perpendicularly to the axis of the tidal flows. All the other tidal bars of the bay-head delta (around a dozen) exhibit an elongated morphology and prograde longitudinally by seaward frontal accretion occurring in the axis of the tidal flows. The master bedding surfaces which record this process are seaward dipping along the axis of the tidal flows. Those variations in internal accretion surfaces orientation of tidal bars are of considerable importance and must be taken into account for studies of ancient tidal deposits, paleoenvironment reconstructions and for heterogeneities characterization and quantification of reservoir properties in these types of sandstones.
机译:入河口的河堤是由河流提供的沙子和泥浆组成的复杂沉积物。这项研究的重点是Plassac潮汐条,它是吉伦特河口独特的叶状潮汐条,位于湾头三角洲的最上游,因为尚未对该潮汐的地貌类别进行详细的沉积学研究。酒吧。使用65个高分辨率的地震剖面致密网格对地层进行了调查,并通过6至9米长的岩心将其地面绞合,并通过历史测深法进行时间控制。潮汐棒的底部由潮汐侵蚀表面组成。该表面侵蚀了潮汐泥,相当于吉伦特河口最大的洪水面。该条由两个垂直的相序组成,由顶部的增厚交叉分层的细至中粒度砂床和底部的分米厚的泥层组成。这些泥浆层构成了杆的主要垫层,并沿与垂直潮流和泥沙输送方向垂直的通道方向浸入。 Plassac潮汐坝横向增生的一个阶段与最近几十年的河水流量变化相关,并建议对该沙洲的内部结构进行气候控制。枯水期导致浊度最大值向上游迁移,并导致浑浊的主垫层平面沉积和固结。在随后的洪水期间,泥泞的主控层被部分侵蚀,然后被潮汐来源的含沙微型洪水波瓣掩埋,并与潮汐坝合并。 Plassac潮汐带的内部结构由横向吸积过程控制,记录该过程的主衬垫表面垂直于潮汐流轴倾斜。湾头三角洲的所有其他潮汐条(大约十几个)表现出拉长的形态,并通过在潮汐流轴上发生的向海正面积聚而纵向推进。记录该过程的主要层理面正沿着潮汐轴线向海倾斜。潮条内部积聚面取向的那些变化非常重要,对于古代潮汐沉积物的研究,古环境的重建以及这些类型的砂岩储层性质的非均质性表征和定量,必须考虑这些变化。



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