首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Carbon isotope (delta C-13(carb)) and facies variability at the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary (Silurian) of the Midland Platform, UK

Carbon isotope (delta C-13(carb)) and facies variability at the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary (Silurian) of the Midland Platform, UK


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The Wenlock-Ludlow series boundary (Silurian) has been recognized as a time of pronounced sea-level rise and the end of a globally recognized Late Homerian Stage (Mulde) positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE). However, the precise timing and synchronicity of the end of the excursion with respect to the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary is debated. Within the type Wenlock and Ludlow areas (UK), high-resolution delta C-13(carb) isotope data are presented across the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary, and within a range of carbonate platform settings. Correlation between sections and depositional settings has been based upon the characteristics of high-order sea-level fluctuations (parasequences). Comparisons between parasequence-bounded delta C-13(carb) values reveal clear spatial variations, with lighter values recorded from more distal settings and heavier values from shallower settings. Temporal variations in the delta C-13(carb) values are also documented and appear to reflect local variations in carbonate provenance and productivity in response to sea-level rise. While delta C-13(carb) values converge in all sections towards the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary, the apparent end of the Mulde CIE appears diachronous and is progressively older within more distal settings.
机译:Wenlock-Ludlow系列边界(Silurian)已被公认为海平面上升明显的时期,也是全球公认的晚期Homerian Stage(Mulde)正碳同位素偏移(CIE)结束的时期。然而,关于温洛克-卢德洛边界的游览结束的确切时间和同步性尚有争议。在Wenlock和Ludlow型地区(英国)内,在整个Wenlock-Ludlow边界以及一定范围的碳酸盐岩台架环境下,都可以显示高分辨率的C-13(碳)δ同位素数据。断面与沉积环境之间的相关性已经基于高阶海平面波动(副序列)的特征。对以等序序列为界的δC-13(carb)值之间的比较显示出明显的空间变化,远端位置记录的值较轻,而较浅值记录的值较重。还记录了δC-13(碳)值的时间变化,并似乎反映了响应海平面上升的碳酸盐来源和生产率的局部变化。尽管C-13(carb)值在所有截面中都朝着Wenlock-Ludlow边界收敛,但Mulde CIE的视在端似乎是历时性的,并且在更远的范围内逐渐变老。



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