首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >Holocene coral reef growth and sea level in a macrotidal, high turbidity setting: Cockatoo Island, Kimberley Bioregion, northwest Australia

Holocene coral reef growth and sea level in a macrotidal, high turbidity setting: Cockatoo Island, Kimberley Bioregion, northwest Australia


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The inshore Kimberley Bioregion of northwest Australia is a macrotidal, low wave energy, frequent cyclones, and high turbidity setting with abundant fringing coral reefs. Here we describe the Holocene development of a sheltered fringing reef at Cockatoo Island in the Kimberley, using data from reef cross-sections subaerially exposed in an iron ore mining pit, seismic profiles across the adjacent contemporary reef, and GIS and ground truth mapping of contemporary reef habitats. Subsidence since the Last Interglacial has provided accommodation for similar to 13-20 m of Holocene reef accretion upon an older, probably Last Interglacial, reef. In the pit cross-sections, the reef initiated at similar to 9000 cal y BP and accreted in a catch-up mode, reaching sea level at similar to 3000 cal y BP, and reef accretion rates varied from 26.8 mm/year to 0.8 mm/year, averaging similar to 2 mm/year. The catch-up interpretation is supported by the predominance of branching Acropora throughout the Holocene section and the absence of contemporary intertidal indicators such as Porites cylindrica and Millepora intricata. This pattern differs from the otherwise similar mud-rich but mostly microtidal inshore fringing reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, which initiated in the late Holocene on shallow substrates under a stable sea level. The study provides the first Holocene reef growth history for an inshore Kimberley reef within a biodiversity "hotspot". (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:澳大利亚西北部的金伯利(Kimberley)沿海生物区是大潮汐,低波浪能,频繁的旋风和高浊度的环境,带有丰富的边缘珊瑚礁。在这里,我们使用金矿的金龟壳鹦鹉岛的一个隐蔽的边缘礁的全新世发育来描述,该数据来自铁矿开采坑地下暴露的礁横截面的数据,相邻当代礁的地震剖面以及GIS和当代的地面实测图珊瑚礁栖息地。自上一次冰间期以来的沉降已为较旧的(可能是上一次冰间期)礁上全新世礁的增生提供了类似的住宿条件,为13-20 m。在矿坑横截面中,礁石开始于9000 y y BP的高度开始并以追赶方式增生,并以接近3000 cal y BP的高度到达海平面,并且礁石的吸积率从26.8毫米/年到0.8毫米不等。 /年,平均接近2毫米/年。整个全新世剖面中分支支足纲的优势以及缺乏现代潮间带指示物(例如,Porites cylindrica和Millepora intricata)支持了追赶性解释。这种模式不同于大堡礁在其他方面相似的富含泥浆但大多为潮汐的近海边缘礁石,该礁礁始于全新世晚期,处于稳定海平面下的浅层基底上。该研究为生物多样性“热点”内近海金伯利礁的首次全新世礁生长史。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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