首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >Orbitally-influenced vegetation record of the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition, offshore eastern New Zealand (ODP Leg 181, Site 1123)

Orbitally-influenced vegetation record of the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition, offshore eastern New Zealand (ODP Leg 181, Site 1123)


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A census of Plio-Pleistocene (5-0 Ma) terrestrial palynomorph assemblages from ODP Site 1123, located 1100 km offshore eastern New Zealand and in a water depth of 3290 m, reveals marked variations in warm- (Cyathea, tall tree Podocarpus/Prumnopitys, Dacrydium cupressinum) and cold- (Halocarpus, Phyllocladus, Nothofagus fusca type, Coprosma) climate indicator species at Milankovitch-scale periodicities. Time series analysis indicates that the vegetation record is covariant with marine climate proxies (carbonate content) and is strongly coherent at the 40-ka and 100-ka orbital frequency. A pronounced increase in amplitude and a coeval decrease in frequency of climate cycles from 40 to 100 ka occurs between 0.92 and 0.62 Ma, and provides a rare vegetation record of a fundamental reorganisation of Earth's climate system the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Despite the long distance from land and great water depth, terrestrial palynomorphs are relatively abundant in this high-resolution marine sediment record, where they reflect a southern North Island source. The predominance of robust spores and buoyant pollen (Cyathea, Podocarpus/Prumnopitys) indicates considerable current sorting and degradation of more delicate morphotypes during transport across the eastern North Island shelf. Little evidence is found for sorting and transport processes being significantly modulated by climate.
机译:来自位于新西兰东部近海1100公里,水深3290 m的ODP站点1123的上新世(5-0 Ma)陆生苔藓类组合的一次普查显示,温暖的(-凯萨(Cyathea),高大的罗汉松(Podocarpus / Prumnopity) ,Dacrydium cupressinum)和冷(Halocarpus,Phyllocladus,Nothofagus fusca型,Coprosma)气候指标物种处于Milankovitch尺度周期。时间序列分析表明,植被记录与海洋气候指标(碳酸盐含量)是协变的,并且在40-ka和100-ka的轨道频率上具有很强的连贯性。在0.92至0.62 Ma之间发生了从40到100 ka的振幅显着增加和同时期频率下降,同时提供了罕见的植被记录,表明中更新世气候过渡对地球气候系统进行了根本性的重组。尽管距陆地很远且水深很深,但在这种高分辨率的海洋沉积物记录中,陆栖类植物形态相对丰富,反映了北岛南部的一个来源。健壮的孢子和浮力的花粉占主导地位(Cyathea,罗汉松/ Prumnopitys)表明在整个北岛东部陆架的运输过程中,当前的电流分选和更精细的形态类型的降解。几乎没有证据表明分选和运输过程受到气候的明显影响。



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