首页> 外文期刊>Marine biology research >The role of the predator Trophon geversianus in an intertidal population of Mytilus chilensis in a rocky shore of the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

The role of the predator Trophon geversianus in an intertidal population of Mytilus chilensis in a rocky shore of the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

机译:捕食者Trophon geversianus在阿根廷Tierra del Fuego比格海峡多岩石海岸的潮间带Mytilus chilensis潮间种群中的作用

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Predation influences changes in the abundance and the limits of spatial distribution of organisms on rocky shores. We quantified the effect of the predation pressure of the gastropod Trophon geversianus on the mytilid Mytilus chilensis in a rocky intertidal community of the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego. We quantified the density of T. geversianus along with the density of T. geversianus preying on M. chilensis and examined the potential relationship between sizes of both T. geversianus and M. chilensis. Additionally, we carried out laboratory experiments to quantify the drilling and ingestion rates of T. geversianus on M. chilensis at different aerial exposure times. At mid intertidal levels, unlike at low intertidal levels, T. geversianus consumed more frequently the available size range of mussels. On average, sizes of predator and prey consumed were positively correlated. The drilling rate decreased with increasing time of aerial exposure. Additionally, permanently submerged predators invested less time consuming the same amount of food than individuals exposed for 4 out of 12 h (4/12 h). Predators exposed for 9/12 h invested less time and consumed less food than those exposed 4/12 h. Our results suggest that T. geversianus is an efficient predator of M. chilensis, due to both its high density and feeding rate. Our results suggest that the strong predation pressure of T. geversianus on M. chilensis prevents this key competitor from monopolizing space at the low level through controlling their abundance, and further limits their vertical distribution.
机译:捕食会影响岩石海岸上生物体的丰度变化和空间分布极限。我们量化了腹足动物Trophon geversianus捕食压力对Tierra del Fuego小猎犬海峡岩石潮间带群落中Mytilus chilensis的影响。我们量化了T. geversianus的密度以及捕食M. chilensis的T. geversianus的密度,并研究了T. geversianus和M. chilensis的大小之间的潜在关系。此外,我们进行了实验室实验,以量化在不同的空气暴露时间下,奇异分支杆菌在智利支睾吸虫上的钻取和摄取速率。在潮间中期水平,与低潮间水平不同,Geversianus食用贻贝的可用尺寸范围更为频繁。平均而言,捕食者和被捕食者的大小呈正相关。钻井速度随暴露时间的增加而降低。此外,与被暴露在12小时(4/12小时)中的4个人相比,永久淹没的捕食者投入相同数量食物所花费的时间更少。暴露于9/12 h的捕食者比暴露于4/12 h的捕食者花费更少的时间和更少的食物。我们的结果表明,由于其高密度和高进食率,geversianus是智利高效的捕食者。我们的结果表明,T。geversianus对奇异分支杆菌的强捕食压力阻止了该主要竞争者通过控制其丰度来垄断低水平的空间,并进一步限制了它们的垂直分布。



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