首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Forest Research >Natural regeneration determines wintering bird presence in wind-damaged coniferous forest stands independent of postdisturbance logging

Natural regeneration determines wintering bird presence in wind-damaged coniferous forest stands independent of postdisturbance logging


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Natural disturbances in European production forests are undesired from an economic perspective but are important drivers of biodiversity. The removal of damaged timber to restore economic value is accompanied by negative effects on various species groups, particularly breeding bird communities, and can hinder natural regeneration. However, little is known about the effect of postdisturbance logging on bird assemblages in winter when temperatures are low and food resources are unpredictable. We conducted fixed-radius point counts of wintering birds in forest stands logged or unlogged after windthrows and in mature forest stands to test our predictions that bird species densities and abundances (i) are lower in postdisturbance logged stands and (ii) depend on the amount of natural regeneration, (iii) which differs between logged and unlogged stands. Our generalized linear mixed model did not support the expected differences in bird abundance or species densities between postdisturbance logged and unlogged stands but indicated that mature forest stands harbor the highest bird abundances and species densities. The number of regenerated coniferous trees significantly positively affected wintering bird abundances in both postdisturbance logged and unlogged stands. Hence, the number of coniferous trees appears to be a main predictor of wintering bird presence.



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