首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >The influence of country-rock assimilation and silicate to sulfide ratios (R factor) on the genesis of the Dunka road Cu-Ni-platinum-group element deposit, Duluth complex, Minnesota

The influence of country-rock assimilation and silicate to sulfide ratios (R factor) on the genesis of the Dunka road Cu-Ni-platinum-group element deposit, Duluth complex, Minnesota


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The Dunka Road deposit is one of several Cu - Ni - platinum-group element (PGE) sulfide occurrences found along the northwestern margin of the Duluth Complex, where the host troctolitic rocks are in contact with metasedimentary rocks of the Animikie Group. Magma contamination through assimilation of sulfidic argillaceous country rocks is generally recognized as having played a key role in the genesis of the mineralization. Three main types of disseminated sulfide mineralization have been identified within the Dunka Road deposit: (i) norite-hosted sulfides, (ii) troctolite-hosted sulfides, and (iii) PGE-rich sulfide horizons. The norite-hosted sulfides are found either adjacent to country-rock xenoliths or near the basal contact. The troctolite-hosted sulfides form the bulk of the deposit, and occur throughout the lower 250 m of the intrusion. The PGE-rich sulfide horizons are typically localized directly beneath ultramafic layers. The composition of the different types of sulfide occurrences is modelled using Cu/Pd ratios. It is shown that each type results from the interplay of two main parameters, namely the degree of magma contamination and the silicate magma to sulfide melt ratio (R factor). The norite-hosted sulfides formed at low R factors and high degrees of contamination, as expressed by their PGE-depleted nature, low Se/S ratios, and elevated content in pyrrhotite and arsenide minerals. The troctolite-hosted sulfides formed at moderate R factors and small degrees of contamination, as shown by their moderate PGE content and mantle-like Se/S ratios. Finally, the PGE-rich sulfide horizons are modelled using elevated R factors from an uncontaminated parental magma, which is substantiated by their elevated noble metal content and Se/S ratios, and low pyrrhotite to precious metal sulfide ratio.
机译:Dunka Road矿床是在Duluth Complex西北边缘发现的一些Cu-Ni-铂族元素(PGE)硫化物矿床之一,那里的主八面体岩石与Animikie Group的准沉积岩接触。人们普遍认为,通过同化硫化泥质乡村岩石而引起的岩浆污染在成矿作用中起着关键作用。在邓卡路矿床中发现了三种主要的弥散性硫化物矿化类型:(i)含红土矿的硫化物,(ii)滑石矿型的硫化物,和(iii)富含PGE的硫化物层。含有诺氏体的硫化物位于乡村岩石异种岩附近或基底接触附近。滑石包裹的硫化物形成了沉积物的主体,并在整个侵入岩的下部250 m处发生。富含PGE的硫化物层位通常位于超镁铁质层的正下方。使用Cu / Pd比对不同类型硫化物的组成进行建模。结果表明,每种类型都是由两个主要参数相互影响的结果,即岩浆污染程度和硅酸盐岩浆与硫化物的熔融比(R因子)。以低R因子和高污染度形成的以Norite为主的硫化物形成,表现为它们的PGE耗尽性质,低Se / S比以及在黄铁矿和砷化物矿物中的含量升高。闪锌矿型硫化物在中等R因子和低污染程度下形成,如中等PGE含量和类似地幔的Se / S比所示。最后,富含PGE的硫化物层位是使用未受污染的母岩浆中升高的R因子模拟的,这可以通过其升高的贵金属含量和Se / S比以及低的黄铁矿与贵金属硫化物比来证明。



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