首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Forest Research >Why mountain pine beetle exacerbates a principal-agent relationship: exploring strategic policy responses to beetle attack in a mixed species forest.

Why mountain pine beetle exacerbates a principal-agent relationship: exploring strategic policy responses to beetle attack in a mixed species forest.


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The management of public forestland is often carried out by private forest companies, in which case the landowner needs to exercise care in dealing with catastrophic natural disturbance. We use the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, 1902) damage in British Columbia to explore how the public resource owner can protect future timber supply while salvaging damaged stands. We examine the variability and timing of beetle attack in a mixed species forest using mathematical programming to schedule harvest but employ the novel strategy of maximizing the timber portfolio at the end of the 20 year time horizon rather than net present value. Various financial and even-flow constraints insure a modicum of stability during the salvage period. We also model supply of adequate feedstock for electricity generation. Based on our study, the optimal short-run response to beetle damage is to increase harvests in stands with 70% or more lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm. ex S. Watson) that would otherwise be uneconomic to harvest, similar to operational practice reported by the BC government. The government could focus on stable supply of individual forest products over the time horizon, thereby also stabilizing short-term revenues. Alternatively, it could emphasize an even-flow of total harvest to greatly enhance revenues (which also exhibit greater volatility) and rely more heavily on future harvests of damaged timber. Regardless of the strategy chosen, optimizing future timber supply potential means that a large proportion (about 25% in this study) of damaged pine is left for future harvest, although it will not be of sufficient quality to produce lumber.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/x2012-014
机译:公共林地的管理通常是由私人森林公司进行的,在这种情况下,土地所有者在应对灾难性自然干扰时需要格外小心。我们使用不列颠哥伦比亚省的山松甲虫( Dendroctonus暂无标题 Hopkins,1902年)破坏,探讨公共资源所有者如何在挽救受损林分的同时保护未来的木材供应。我们使用数学程序来安排采伐时间,从而研究了混合物种森林中甲虫的变异性和时机,但采用了在20年时间跨度而非净现值最大化时木材利用率最大化的新策略。各种财务和偶数流量限制条件确保了在救助期内的稳定性。我们还为发电提供了足够的原料模型。根据我们的研究,对甲虫危害的最佳短期应对措施是增加含有70%或更多的寄主松( contorta var。 latifolia Engelm。exgel)的林分的收成S. Watson),否则收获起来很不经济,类似于卑诗省政府报告的运营惯例。政府可以在一段时间内专注于稳定林产品的供应,从而也可以稳定短期收入。或者,它可以强调总收获量的均匀分布,以大大增加收入(也表现出更大的波动性),并更多地依赖于受损木材的未来收获。无论选择哪种策略,优化未来木材的供应潜力都意味着将有很大一部分(在本研究中为25%)受损的松树留作将来的收获,尽管这种松木的质量不足以生产木材。 //dx.doi.org/10.1139/x2012-014



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