首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Late Quaternary glacial history and meltwater discharges along the Northeastern Newfoundland Shelf

Late Quaternary glacial history and meltwater discharges along the Northeastern Newfoundland Shelf


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The geomorphology of the Eastern Canadian margin has been shaped by glacial processes during the Quaternary. Many studies have focused on the ice-sediment pathway through Hudson Strait to reconstruct the dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and as a consequence, little is known on its marginal ice domes. Here we reconstruct the dynamics of two trough mouth fans (TMFs) offshore NE Newfoundland using sediment cores and radiocarbon ages supported by very high resolution seismic reflection profiles. These two TMFs, namely Notre Dame and Hawke, are fed by two glacial troughs incised in the bedrock. The TMFs show a complete sedimentary sequence from 30 ka BP to the beginning of the Holocene. The sampled sedimentary record on the upper slope extends back to a thick Heinrich event 3 (H3) deposit that corresponds to the end of the maximum extent of the Newfoundland ice dome. Above H3, a thick succession of turbidite deposits (>10 m) observed in both TMFs is correlated with periods of major meltwater supply from 28–29 to 17 ka BP. Our results show that the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period was characterized by major input of meltwater events stemming from the Newfoundland dome. The presence of H1 (~17 ka BP) coincide with the end of the turbidite activity which is replaced by an open-water environment characterized by hemipelagic sediments rich in ice-rafted debris. The proglacial muddy sediment older than 13.3 ka BP on the shelf shows that ice was not grounded after H1, suggesting a very rapid retreat of the ice on the Newfoundland shelf after 17 ka BP.
机译:在第四纪期间,加拿大东部边缘的地貌是由冰川过程形成的。许多研究都集中在哈德逊海峡的冰沙路径上,以重建洛朗德冰盖的动力学,因此,对其边缘冰穹知之甚少。在这里,我们使用沉积岩心和放射性碳年龄(由超高分辨率地震反射剖面支持),重构了纽芬兰东北部两个槽口风扇(TMF)的动力学。这两个TMF(分别是Notre Dame和Hawke)由在基岩中切出的两个冰川槽喂食。 TMF显示了从30 ka BP到全新世开始的完整沉积序列。上斜坡上的采样沉积记录延伸回厚的海因里希事件3(H3)沉积物,该沉积物对应于纽芬兰冰穹最大范围的尽头。在H3之上,在两个TMF中都观察到厚厚的浊积岩沉积(> 10 m)与28-29至17 ka BP的主要熔体水供应时期有关。我们的结果表明,末次冰期最大值(LGM)时期的特征是来自纽芬兰穹顶的大量融水事件。 H1(〜17 ka BP)的存在与浊度活动的结束相吻合,而浊度活动的结束则被一个以富含冰激凌碎片的偏航沉积物为特征的开放水域环境所代替。货架上年龄超过13.3 ka BP的冰期泥质沉积物表明,H1之后冰没有被磨碎,这表明17 ka BP之后纽芬兰陆架上的冰非常迅速地后退。



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