首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Forest Research >Comparing productivity of pure and mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock plantations in the Pacific Northwest

Comparing productivity of pure and mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock plantations in the Pacific Northwest


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We studied pure and 50/50 mixtures of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) plantations to compare attained total yields between mixed-species stands as opposed to monocultures of equal densities. Whether overall stand density influences this outcome has not been adequately investigated, and to address this we included three density levels (494, 1111, and 1729 trees/ha) in the analysis. At age 12, as components of the mixed stands, Douglas-fir exhibited greater height, diameter, and individual-tree volume than western hemlock at all densities. At 494 and 1111 trees/ha the monocultures had a higher volume per hectare than the mixed stand, but at 1729 trees/ha the mixed stand appearedto be just as productive as the pure stands. The increase in productivity by the mixture at high densities seems to have resulted from the partial stratification observed and most likely also from better use of the site resources. Because of this, less interspecific competition was probably experienced in the mixed stand than intraspecific competition in the pure stands. This study shows the important role density plays in the productivity of mixed stands and thus in comparing mixed and pure stands.
机译:我们研究了道格拉斯冷杉(Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb。)Franco)和西部铁杉(Tsuga heterophylla(Raf。Sarg。))人工林的纯种和50/50混合物,以比较不同物种的林分获得的总产量,而不是单一栽培的相等的密度。总体林分密度是否会影响这一结果尚未得到充分研究,为了解决这个问题,我们在分析中包括了三种密度水平(494、1111和1729棵树/公顷)。在12岁时,花旗松作为混合林分的组成部分,在所有密度下都比西部铁杉具有更高的高度,直径和个体树的体积。在494和1111棵树/公顷的情况下,单作种植的公顷数高于混合林,但在1729棵树/公顷时,混合林的产量似乎与纯林相同。混合物在高密度下的生产率提高似乎是由于观察到的部分分层,最有可能也是由于场地资源的更好利用。因此,混合林中的种间竞争可能比纯林中的种内竞争少。这项研究表明密度在混合林的生产力中起着重要作用,因此在混合林和纯林的比较中也起着重要作用。



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