首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Blasisaurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov., a new lambeosaurine dinosaur (hadrosauridae) from the latest cretaceous of arén (Huesca, Spain)

Blasisaurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov., a new lambeosaurine dinosaur (hadrosauridae) from the latest cretaceous of arén (Huesca, Spain)

机译:卡氏假单胞菌等。 11月,一种来自最新白垩纪arén(西班牙韦斯卡省)的新的lambeosaurine恐龙(hadrosauridae)

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Blasisaurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of disarticulated skull and lower jaw remains found in the Blasi 1 locality of Arén (Huesca, south-central Pyrenees of Spain), located in the upper part of the Arén Formation, late Maastrichtian in age. This new lambeosaurine hadrosaurid is characterized by a jugal combining a hook-like dorsal edge of the posterior process and a narrow, D-shaped infratemporal fenestra. Blasisaurus differs from Arenysaurus from the Blasi 3 site of Arén mainly by the absence of secondary ridges in the dentary teeth, and from Koutalisaurus (probably a junior synonym of Pararhabdodon) from the Isona region of Lleida by the anteriormost portion of the dentary that is modestly deflected ventrally. A phylogenetic analysis places Blasisaurus as closely related to Arenysaurus in a clade of basal lambeosaurines more derived than Tsintaosaurus and Jaxartosaurus; this clade forms part of a polytomy with Amurosaurus and with more derived lambeosaurines. Palaeobiogeographically, the presence of Blasisaurus and other hadrosaurids in the Maastrichtian European archipelago suggests one or, more probably, a series of dispersal events from Asia across intermittent land bridges during the second half of the Late Cretaceous.
机译:卡氏杆菌等。十一月描述的依据是在Arén的Blasi 1地区(韦斯卡,西班牙中比利牛斯山脉中部)发现的头骨和下颌残骸,该年龄位于马斯特里赫特时代晚期。这种新的lambeosaurine hadrosaurid的特征在于,一个后部钩状的后缘与狭窄的D形颞下窗结合在一起的法甲。 Blasisaurus与Arenysaurus与Arén的Blasi 3站点不同,主要是由于在齿系牙齿中没有次生脊,而与Lleida Isona地区的Koutalisaurus(可能是Pararhabdodon的初级同义词)不同,其牙齿的最前部分偏心。系统发育分析表明,鞭毛龙与霸王龙密切相关,而基底鞭毛龙的进化支比恐龙龙和贾克斯龙更重要。该进化枝与短尾龙和更多衍生的lambeosaurines一起构成了多角体的一部分。从古生物学的角度来看,欧洲马斯特里赫群岛中的布拉索龙和其他鸭嘴龙科动物的存在表明,晚白垩世下半期,亚洲可能会通过间歇性的陆桥发生一系列或什至一系列扩散事件。



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